wire back

[waɪr bæk][ˈwaiə bæk]


  • I sewed the new soles to the shoes with copper wire and put the cardboard back inside .

    我用 铜丝把鞋底和鞋面缝合起来,把那硬纸板 进鞋内。

  • The free electrons move into the saltwater then into the clean copper plate into the wire through the meter and back to the cuprous oxide plate .

    免费的电子搬进盐水,然后把干净的铜板,到 铁丝 ,透过米,并 返回到氧化亚铜板。

  • The control system of the machine can work synchronously with the underwater welding power . When the wire being stopping the welding power outputs high level voltage with wire burning back and forming a liquid weld metal drop .

    同时,送丝机构的控制系统与水下焊接专用电源相配合,停止送丝时,焊接电源输出高电平, 焊丝 烧并形成熔滴;

  • There comes a time that if we make the angle too-large that we permanently deform the wire & it will not come back to its original position .

    如果你让这个角过大, 吊绳也许会永远变形-,不会 回到原来的未知。

  • In this paper the following factors of influencing the wire spread during drawing through roller dies are studied : reduction of thickness passes of drawing friction back full .

    研究压下率、 拔道次、摩擦系数、 张率对异形 辊拔过程中宽展的影响。

  • A wire has come loose at the back .

    后面有一 电线松动了。

  • The high-speed wire electro-discharge machine in prior art employs the open-loop control system and this means the output signals to the stepping motor can not be fed back .

    目前,国内现有的高速 丝线切割控制系统是开环的,即控制系统对输出给步进电机的信号没有 反馈,这样的结构对于加工过程是不安全的。

  • The Design and Adjustment of the Wire Rope Driver Making the Movable Window of an Astrodome Made of Glass Fibre Reinforced Plastic Slide and Open Back and Forth

    玻璃钢 圆顶天窗 前后滑开柔性传动装置的设计和调试

  • A wire carrying an electric current exerts magnetic forces and these forces act back on the wire itself .

    载流 导线产生磁力,磁力 反过来 作用于导线本身。

  • When the wire being stopping the welding power outputs high level voltage with wire burning back and forming a liquid weld metal drop .

    开始送丝后,焊接电源输出低电平,熔滴依靠 动量 熔池过渡。

  • The modulated wire is reflected back to coupler by the right optical fiber then transferred to optical fiber modulator by another optical fiber and outputted as analog variable after A / D transition signal processing and D / A transition .

    调制 由同一光纤反射 耦合器后,经另一光纤送到光纤解调器,经过A/D转换、信号处理和D/A转换后,以模拟量输出。

  • Electromagnetic excitation of wire in back of conducting lane with long slit

    带有长缝隙的导电平面 后面 导线的电磁激励

  • The wire swung back and cracked against the building .


  • And even though this portion-is no longer linear so even though Hooke 's Law-no longer holds still if you take the weight off the wire off the rod 0 it will still come back to zero .

    即使这一部分,不再呈线性-,即使胡克定律,不再适用-,如果把重量拿去,拿离这个 棒子,它始终会 变成

  • The utility model solves the problem that in the past a hot rolling flat slate steel and a hot rolling wire were used to manufacture the brake shoe back with consumption lowered .

    本实用新型解决以往使用热轧平板钢和热轧 线材两种材料制造瓦 的问题,降低了消耗,提高了经济效益。

  • In cannot affirm when whether be being joined to meet by announcement unit or individual should ask the other side receives the wire back after the announcement .

    在不能确认被通知单位或个人是否参会时,应要求对方接到通知后 回电

  • The outer electrons of the atoms in a metal wire are continually moving from one atom to another and back again .

    在金属 电线中,原子的外层电子总是 来回不断地从一个原子移向另一个原子。

  • Lead the wire in from the roof through these holes in the back of the television set .

    线从房顶引下来,通过电视机 壳上的洞穿进去。

  • Comparing with imported solid welding wire this newly developed product can realize the back slag protection for melt well when used for bottom bead welding thus the complex backside argon protection procedure is no more needed .

    与进口实芯 焊丝相比,用于底层焊道焊接时,可实现熔池 背面的熔渣保护,不必采用繁杂的背面充氩保护工艺。

  • The tunnel is supported with ring beams every750mm.There is wire mesh above the rings to hold the rock back and then shot-crete covering the wire between the rings .

    隧道每隔750毫米就会被环形的梁支撑,在这些圈梁之上有 金属网状物,拉住围岩,喷射混凝土会将这些圈梁间的金属网状物覆盖

  • Flux-cored wire is applied to the austenitic stainless steel pipe by back weld MAG for the filling and cosmetic weld at horizontal fixed round welding vertically up .

    采用药芯 焊丝对奥氏体不锈钢管道进行 打底焊接,MAG焊填充及盖面焊,立向上的水平固定全位置焊接。

  • Keep flame away from rod or wire as it is fed into the joint . Move flame back and forth as alloy is drawn into joint .

    杆或 线进入连接处时要将火焰从其上面移开。当合金流进连接处时, 前后移动火焰。

  • I will cut the wire and fall back upon the bridge as we convened .

    我先切断 电线 回头向桥头靠拢,照我们协议的办法干。

  • The pre-strained SMA wire will shrink back to its original length when it is heated to the transformation temperature consequently will cause the local deformation thus a controllable trigger mechanism is formed .

    温度升到相变温度后,有预变形的形状记忆合金 回复到原先的长度,造成结构的局部变形或者引起局部损伤,从而形成可控薄弱环节。

  • This paper introduces the characteristics and technical process of CO_2 gas shielding one-side welding with flux cored wire and studies the welding parameter and influence on back welding shapes .

    文章介绍药芯 焊丝CO2气体保护单面焊的特点及工艺过程,研究焊接工艺参数对 背面焊缝成形的影响。