wire wheel

[waɪr hwil][ˈwaiə hwi:l]


  • Secure wire harness to spare wheel mount using an adhesive strip .

    用胶带将 线束固定到 备胎支架上。

  • The factors affecting the quality of Al-Mg-Sc alloy wire such as alloying technology CASTEX wheel velocity pouring temperature of alloy and flux of cooling water are studied .

    对Al-Mg-Sc合金 线材质量的影响因素:合金化工艺、铸挤 转速、浇注温度、冷却水流量等进行了研究。

  • Route servo valve wire harness and push it onto the left wheel housing liner using the retaining clips .

    布置伺服阀 线束,然后用固定卡子将其推到 左轮罩衬套上。

  • The new unit adopts mechanical balance uses load belt instead of wire line replaces the crown wheel with double drums and applies 12 guide wheels for improving load condition .

    该新型抽油机采用机械平衡,用载荷胶带代替 钢丝绳,将原来的天车 轮换成双滚筒,并采用12个导向轮改善受力状况。

  • Taking advantage of producing steel wire in2000 our company introduceddomestic and foreign advanced automatic production equipments to produce industrial steel wire wheel brushes .

    2000年,公司利用自身生产钢丝的优势,引进国内外先进的自动化设备生产工业 钢丝刷。

  • The new method of the steel wire line the elongation to protect in rubs the wheel 's type to upgrade at the main well

    主井摩擦 轮式提升 钢丝绳伸长保护新方法

  • This paper analyses the cause of the fault on the continuous annealing of 22-die drawing machines i.d. arcing of conductor and wire breakage caused by jump of the annealing wheel and makes improvement on the annealer .

    本文分析探讨22模拉丝机连续退火装置的故障&退火 的跳动导致导 电线芯打火花、断线的原因,并对其进行了改造。

  • Abstract Research the calculation method on wire tensile and its velocity in producing Al-cladding wire by means of continuous extrusion cladding and deduce the formulate of calculating the power of drawn wheel in Al-cladding wire production line .

    探讨了用连续挤压包覆法生产铝包钢 线过程中芯线张力与速度的计算方法,推导出生产线中牵引 绞盘功率的计算公式。

  • Rectangular copper wire is produced by continuous extrusion machine while the key technology about extrusion wheel die chamber and die have been studied .

    解决了采用连续挤压技术生产铜扁 线中挤压 、腔体和模具等技术关键问题。

  • The semi-artificial thermocouple is composed of the steel substrate and a single Ni-Cr thermocouple wire which is embedding in diamond grinding wheel .

    该装置在金刚石磨 上布设单根镍铬电偶 ,同磨 基体组成半人工热电偶。

  • When the steel wire rope is winded by the drive wheel some winded along the circumference others winded along the straight line .

    钢丝绳绕经驱动 时部分成圆周缠绕,一部分是直线缠绕。

  • Undo combination wire in the area of the rear wheel housing .

    旋开 后轮罩区域中的组合 电线

  • It can clear the rust and old oil paint with steel wire wheel .

    钢丝 替代 砂轮可进行清除金属表面体锈、旧漆层。

  • Among them medium plate high speed wire rod rebar train wheel & tyre aznd H-beam passed the assessment of ISO9002 in1997 .

    中板、高速 线材、棒材、 车轮轮箍和H型钢等于1997年相继取得ISO&9002质量体系认证证书。

  • The composite ink fountain thread wheel takes a combination of a pole strip type wire wheel and a reinforced plate type wire wheel .

    该复合式 墨斗线轮由 板、中心孔、筋板、柱条、条孔、柱条加强筋构成。

  • In order to reduce the production cost of rod and wire rolling a high-speed horizontal wheel caster for billet of 52-85 mm square has been developed .

    开发了一种水平 轮式连铸机,用以高速浇铸52~ 85mm小方坯。

  • The paper introduces the preparation equipment of coarse DIP including bale wire cutter braker leveling wheel radiometric scale drum pulper and combined sorter .

    本文对脱墨用粗浆的制备设备作了简要的介绍,包括剪 铁线机、散包机、匀纸辊、称重装置、碎浆机及复合筛。

  • In order to measure the length of steel wire rope precisely the velocity ratio of pressing wheel and driving windlass is adopted for detecting wheel spin and the accumulated pulse error is also adopted to eliminate the round off error .

    为了准确测量 钢丝绳的长度,提出了采用比较压紧 和驱动卷筒的转速比的方法来检测是否打滑,并在程序中采用累积脉冲误差的方法来消除由于微小打滑而出现的舍入误差。

  • In measuring the steel wire rope the key problem is how to detect and eliminate the measure error for wheel spin .

    钢丝绳长度测量中的关键是如何检测与消除 打滑带来的测量误差。

  • Each kinds of main cable erection manner has a corresponding hauling system : the wire is hauled by spinning wheel in air spinning erection manner and the hauling system operates in loop way .

    对于不同的主缆架设方法有各自相应的牵引系统:空中编缆法采用纺 牵引 钢丝架设,牵引系统多采用大循环和小循环运行方式;

  • Spark-resistant wire wheel brush

    火花电阻圆盘 钢丝

  • The wire threaded through small loops . a metal hoop forming the tread of a wheel .

    金属 穿过许多小环。形成 轮胎面的金属环。

  • To overcome the problem of cutting conduction block because of the sawtooth surface resulting from wire electrode discharge a self-compensation conductive wheel mechanism was designed . Finally some experiments were investigated with the designed processing devices .

    针对 电极丝放电后的锯齿表面会切割导电块的问题,设计了自补偿导电 机构。最后,使用本文设计的加工装置进行了验证性实验。

  • The Wheel of Life Demonstration of force on a current-carrying wire in magnetic field with revolving wheel

    转轮演示载流 导线在磁场中的受力