wire belt

[waɪr bɛlt][ˈwaiə belt]

[化] 钢丝胶带,钢丝运输带,三角带

  • To analyze the special requirement of working status of traction wire rope for conveyer belt . The using status of traction wire rope for conveyer belt in coal mine at home is introduced .

    分析 胶带运输机牵引工作状况对 钢丝绳的特殊要求,介绍国内煤矿胶带运输机牵引钢丝 使用状况。

  • CONTROL THE TENSION AND PROLONG THE LIFE OF STEEL WIRE BELT CONVEYOR Reasonable Choice to Tape Stretch Dint of Tape Transport Machine

    控制张紧力,延长 钢丝 胶带使用寿命合理选择 式输送机输送带的张紧力

  • When he reached the fence Georges detached a pair of heavy wire shears from his belt and began cutting .

    乔戈斯爬到铁丝网跟前的时候,从 腰带上解下一副笨重的剪 铁丝的剪刀,动手剪了起来。

  • Design of a Wire Belt Glassware Annealing Lehr

    玻璃制品 退火炉的设计

  • Application of High Strength Steel Wire Cable-core Conveyor Belt and Core Hard to Burn Conveyor Belt

    高强度整 阻燃输送 的使用

  • Wire rope flexible rod is mainly constituted by the traction belt ( or chain ) sealed pump elastic rod add pole trolley plunger and other components .

    钢丝绳柔性抽油杆主要由牵引 (或链条)、密封泵、弹性抽油杆、钢丝绳、加重杆、拉杆、柱塞等部件组成。

  • By analysed and compared all kind of features of high strength steel wire cable-core conveyor belt and core hard to burn conveyor belt this paper provides the excellent features and wide prospect of high strength steel wire cable-core conveyor belt .

    通过高强度整芯阻燃输送 钢丝绳芯输送带各种性能的分析对比,说明高强度整芯阻燃输送带的优越性及广阔的使用前景。

  • Structure Selecting and Production Technology of Wire Rope for Belt Conveying

    皮带运输 的结构选择和生产工艺

  • The key to selecting wire rope scientifically and rationally is pointed out from such aspects as friction hoisting and winding hoisting of vertical shaft and the orbit hoisting and conveyer belt of inclined shaft .

    从竖井的摩擦式提升和缠绕式提升、斜井的轨道提升和 胶带运输机牵引等方面指出科学合理选择 钢丝绳的关键。

  • Application of flaw detection device of steel wire core belt

    钢丝 输送 探伤装置的应用

  • System design of mine cable wire belt monitoring by IPC based on Visual Basic

    基于VB的 钢缆 皮带上位机监控系统设计

  • The SnO_2 / glass and the wire have been Welded at high fixity . At the same time a metallic conducting belt has been made .

    用复合工艺实现了玻基SnO2薄膜与 导线的高强度焊接,并同时在薄膜上制得了金属导电

  • This paper introduced the principle and configuration of the electrical control system with full-digital for wire rope belt and it expounded in detail the function of PLC in the system .

    文章介绍了 钢缆 胶带全数字电控系统的原理及系统结构,详细阐述了PLC在系统中的作用。

  • Study of the Wire Ropes Conveyer Belt Safety Examination System

    钢丝绳芯输送 安全检测系统的研究

  • Stainless steel wire mesh belt conveyor belt conveyor is a traditional paper revolution it overcomes the belt conveyor maintenance difficulties scallops easily torn punctured the shortcomings of corrosion to provide a safe efficient simple maintenance transmission mode .

    不锈钢 输送机是对传统皮带式输送机的一次革命,它克服了皮带输送机维护困难,带子易被撕裂、刺破、腐蚀的缺点,为客户提供的一种安全、快捷、维护简单的输送方式。

  • The change of wire rope traction belt - conveyor after transform of power brake system .

    介绍了 钢丝绳牵引 胶带输送机制动系统改造方案前、后的对比。

  • Secondly a new wire belt is designed on the basis of the plan and a study of the dual-beam double-gourd traffic application of throughout the reversal process .

    在此方案基础上设计一种新翻转机构和新式 钢丝 皮带,同时研究双梁双葫芦行车在整个翻转过程中的应用。

  • Wire : The moving fine metal mesh belt on which liquid stock is formed into a web of paper by draining away the water .

    造纸 :有着微细小孔的移动金属 ;液体浆料在网上漏去水份而成形,造成纸卷。

  • To introduce the property specification in common use structure and production technology of wire rope for belt conveying and explain how to judge whether the quality of wire rope is good or not .

    介绍 皮带运输 的特点、常用规格、结构及生产工艺,并就如何判别钢丝绳质量优劣作了说明。

  • The fundamental way of increasing wire rope life for belt conveyer

    提高 输送机 钢绳使用寿命的根本途径

  • Application of Combined Support with Bolt Wire Net Shotcrete Cable and Belt at Meeting Coal Point Broken Fault Zone and Roadway Crossing Point

    断线(绽 线或磨断)锚网喷索 组合支护在见煤点、断层破碎带、巷道交岔点的应用

  • Application of Real-time Online Inspection Instrument of Wire Rope Core Belt

    钢丝绳芯 胶带实时在线检测仪的应用

  • Talking about the safe technique reforms of wire haulage belt conveyor

    钢丝 牵引 式输送机的安全技术改造

  • The company 's product mesh wire with its bright surface uniform hardness and high corrosion resistance so that can be used to make a high-quality woven nets and conveyor belt .

    本公司的网线产品以其光亮的表面、均匀的硬度及高耐腐蚀性,使我们的 网线 线材能织成高品质的编织网及输送

  • This paper briefly introduces the working principle of the new & developed abrasive belt grander of wire rod and discusses the mechanism of the abrasive belt grinder for wire rob . It discusses the influences of parameters on grinding depth and ground surface roughness in the wire grinding .

    介绍了新研制的 线材 砂带磨床的工作原理,讨论了线材修磨中磨削工艺参数对修磨深度、磨削表面粗糙度的影响。

  • Operation and safeguard system of mine cable wire belt based on double PLC

    基于双PLC的井下 钢缆 皮带操作保护系统

  • Improvement of Steel Wire Rope Core Belt Lacing Lap Joint Craftwork

    钢丝绳芯 输送 接头搭接工艺的改进