wire bonding

[waɪr ˈbɑndɪŋ][ˈwaiə ˈbɔndiŋ]


  • The parameters of FAB ( free air ball ) process during copper wire bonding were optimized .

    铜丝 形球过程FAB参数进行了优化。

  • Detailed study of the device wire bonding process on the damage and failure mechanism of the device .

    详细研究了器件 线 )过程对器件的损伤及其失效机理。

  • Wire bonding is still the most popular interconnect technology in the first-level packaging .


  • The methods of3D interconnection can be classified into the wire bonding flip chip through silicon via ( TSV ) and film wire technology whose advantages and disadvantages are analyzed .

    将实现3D互连的方法分为 引线 、倒装芯片、硅通孔、薄膜导线等,并对它们的优缺点进行了分析。

  • Metal wire bonding interconnection is the key means in the internal matching technology of RF power transistor .

    金属 线互连是射频大功率晶体管内匹配技术中的关键手段。

  • Evaluation of Bondability and Reliability of Single Crystal Copper Wire Bonding in Semiconductor Packaging ; transistor-transistor logic

    单晶铜丝在半导体器件封装中的打 线 性能研究晶体管-晶体管逻辑电路

  • Research of Ultrasonic Power Supply in Wire Bonding Based on FPGA

    基于FPGA的 引线 超声电源的研究

  • Effect Factors Analysis of Wire Bonding Quality on Microwave Circuit

    微波电路 引线 质量的影响因素分析

  • The cost of wire bonding chips and solder bumped flip chips on boards or on organic substrates is stated .

    纯锡焊料凸块和含钴底部凸块 金属 结合可延长无铅焊接倒装片的寿命。

  • Now wire bonding has been the most popular interconnection technique in semiconductor device packaging .

    目前, 引线 技术已经成为半导体封装中广泛应用的互连方法。

  • Twisted-pair were in the wire bonding method sometimes used for coaxial cable the method can make it smaller lighter cheaper .

    在双绞线中 黏合 导线的方法有时也用于同轴电缆,这种方法能使其更小、更轻、更便宜。

  • Wafer chip scale packaging ( WCSP ) eliminates conventional packaging steps such as die bonding wire bonding and die level flip chip attach processes .

    晶圆级芯片尺寸封装(WCSP)消除了类似传统的芯片键合、 引线 和倒装芯片贴装过程的封装工序。

  • Simulation and Study of Ultrasonic Vibration Propagation in Wire Bonding System

    超声振动在 引线 系统中的传播仿真与研究

  • With the development of the integrated circuit industry the welding speed and welding line quality of the wire bonding machine appear new demands and challenges .

    随着集成电路行业的发展,对 引线 机的焊线速度和质量提出了新的要求和挑战。

  • The paper takes the IC-encapsulation equipment & semi-automatic ultrasonic wire bonding machine as the control object .

    论文正是以IC封装设备&半自动超声波 线机为控制对象。

  • Many factors would affect wire bonding process .

    引线 过程中有很多因素会对 质量产生影响。

  • Wire bonding is the most classical and most mature technique for IC interconnection which takes most of the market share there are also a lot of research on ultra-fine-pitch wire interconnection must to do .

    摘要 引线 是应用时间最长、技术最为成熟且目前市场有率最高的芯片连接技术,但应用于超细间距引线互连还有许多技术有待研究。

  • Design of High-frequency Ultrasonic Transducer for Wire Bonding and Research on Motion Control of Bond Head

    引线 高频超声换能器的设计和键合头运动控制研究

  • In ultrasonic wire bonding process the bonding pressure is one of the most important factors to the bonding strength .

    在超声 引线 过程中,键合压力是影响键合强度的重要因素之一。

  • Finally wire bonding technics in the retral packaging of Schottky power diodes is optimized by orthogonal experiment design .

    最后用正交试验的方法对肖特基器件后部封装中的压 工艺进行了参数优化设计。

  • To improve the speed and accuracy of automatic frequency tracking on thermosonic wire bonding the design scheme based on FPGA was proposed .

    为进一步提高热超声 引线 合超声电源的自动频率跟踪速度及精度,提出了基于现场可编程门阵列(FPGA)的超声电源设计方案。

  • Ribbon wire bonding is different from conventional wire bonding technology .

    引线带楔焊 和引线(圆形)楔 是不同的。

  • Another focus was on how the operating parameters affect the ultrasonic wire bonding .

    分析了各工作参数对超声波 线 产生的影响。

  • Taguchi method ; Soft algorithms ; Wire bonding process .

    田口方法;柔性演算法; 线 程。

  • Thermal-structural analysis was performed for ultrasonic wire bonding ( UWB ) by three dimensional finite element method ( FEM ) .

    用三维有限元方法对超声波 线 进行了瞬态的热-结构分析。

  • Considering these factors the flowing two parts should be considered in the wire bonding process : Free air ball formation and Looping stability .

    对应于这些参数在 线机制程的 关键 技术,可分为 金线结球及 线路径稳定性两个部分。

  • In addition the optimum wire bonding of several of the electrode material had been discussed .

    另外,探讨了几种电极材料的 引线 的最佳工艺。

  • Design of welding pressure control system for ultrasonic gold wire bonding machine

    超声波 金丝 线机焊接压力控制系统设计