




  • Many people have stayed behind in the potential war zone

    许多人留在了可能会沦为交战 地方

  • The public cloud zone ( PBZ ) consists of a web application server and a data store .

    公共云 (PBZ)包含一个Web应用服务器和一个数据存储。

  • How is the economic development zone going on ?

    现在经济开发 怎样了?

  • The area could be turned into a demilitarized zone .


  • The asthenosphere corresponds approximately to the low-velocity zone .


  • He said thousands of Koreans still levelled guns at one another along the demilitarised zone between them .

    他说在非军事 两边仍然有数以千计的韩国和朝鲜军人用枪互相瞄准对方。

  • The special zone is located beyond the customs house .


  • Supplies were parachuted into the flooded zone .


  • I think I 'm parked in the red zone .

    我想我把车停在 禁区了。

  • When a system is first installed and deployed all processes run on the global zone .

    当首次安装和部署系统时,所有的进程都运行于这个Global zone中。

  • Norvelle whose catchphrase is ' Chase Me ' asked magistrates not to ban him after he admitted doing 83mph in a 50mph zone .

    喜欢把“追我啊”挂在嘴边的诺维尔承认在限速50英里的 地段开到了83英里/小时,并请求地方治安官不要吊销他的驾驶证。

  • The lowermost capillary fringe is a zone in which the pressure is less than atmospheric .

    最下面的那个毛细 水带中的压力小于大气压。

  • Select the language and time zone for the system ( Localization field ) .

    为系统选择语言和 时区(Localization字段)。

  • Zones provide only memory and processor isolation while WPARs contain process and paging isolation .


  • As women were not permitted in the war zone Eleanor would have to stay behind

    女性是不允许进入 战区的,所以埃莉诺不得不留在后方。

  • Time zone identifies the region where your server is located and adjusts the time and date automatically .


  • The city and the areas around it are an ice-free port and a nuclear-weapon-free zone .


  • Government officials visited the earthquake zone on Thursday morning to co-ordinate the relief effort .

    星期四上午,政府官员视察地震 灾区,以协调救援工作。

  • They fell into that twilight zone between military personnel and civilian employees .

    他们成了军队人员与平民雇员之间身份界定不 的人。

  • To promote the development of the development zone and a staff members have more drudgery and refine system a vigil for more than a year hard work and achieved great success .

    为推动开发 的发展,他和开发 干部职工一道,熬更守夜苦干,细化制度,勤奋工作,一年多来,成绩斐然。

  • Strathclyde council has declared itself a nuclear-free zone .

    斯特拉思克莱德 委员会宣布本 为无核

  • Because it is in an enterprise zone taxes on non-food items are 3.5 % instead of the usual 7 % .

    因为是在创业 园区,非食品类产品的税率是3.5%,而不是通常的7%。

  • The land was not zoned for commercial purposes

    这块地未 商业用地。

  • Most of the private land in the park wasn 't zoned or protected in any way .

    公园中的大多数私人土地并未进行任何 专门 规划或保护。

  • MDD might also disturb the comfort zone for technical staff responsible for systems analysis and design .


  • Coccophores are pelagic microscopic algae and typically thrive in the offshore photic zone of the open sea .

    颗石球是深海的微藻,典型地繁生于开阔海滨外的透光 内。

  • The area has been declared a disaster zone .

    这个地区已经被宣布为灾难 地带

  • Each availability zone is designed to be isolated from failures in other availability zones .

    每一个可用性 区域设计的目的是隔离其他可用性区域中的故障。

  • The U.N. has declared it to be a safe zone
