zone time


  • There is a parabolic relationship between the width of carbon enriched zone and aging time ;

    增碳 与时效 时间呈抛物线关系;

  • Influence of dead - zone time on converter voltage spectrum and its realization via CPLD

    死区 时间对变流器频谱的影响及其CPLD实现

  • This paper considers that the difference between with project and without project lies in unequal freight volume and traffic service factor on same O-D zone at corresponding time .

    本文提出,无项目情况与有项目情况的区别在于,在项目计算期 相应的 时间点上,相同的 OD对的客货运量的大小以及耗费 时间等交通服务变量是不同的。

  • Results TGF β enabled the chondrocytes to express type ⅰ collagen and fibronectin and it enhanced the expression of ALP in hypertrophic zone . Time effect and dosage effect relationships were observed .

    结果TGF-β可使肥大 软骨细胞表达型胶原和FN,使ALP表达增加,并存在着量效和 时效关系。

  • Through the synthesis of the analyzed relations and simulation results several important results are gained about effect of ratio of initial gas and particles velocity in accelerating zone on time distance and acceleration of particles .

    通过对解析关系和数值模拟结果的分析,给出了初始气固速度比对加速 变速运动的 时间、距离、加速度等参数的影响。

  • Transformation from Near Zone to Far Zone in Time Domain with FDTD Method

    FDTD近场到远 时域转换

  • The distributions of temperature stress strain strain rate displacement and viscous damping coefficient within ductile shear zone at different time intervals are distinguished in the cases of accelerating creep age and strain softening .

    并对加速蠕变和应变软化两种情况,给出了不同 时刻韧性剪切 内的温度、应力、应变、应变率、位移和粘滞系数的分布特征,描述了岩石递进变形的规律。

  • Time zone Person 's time zone where they are physically located This data helps users and systems know where a person is located .

    Time zone个人所在的地区的 时区该数据帮助用户和系统了解个人所在的位置。

  • In China the decision in 1949 to establish a single national time zone on Beijing time replaced the previous system of five time zones which had been established in 1912 .

    1949年,中国设定北京 时间为全国统一 时区,取代了1912年划定的5个不同时区。

  • As you enter each zone the time changes one hour .

    每当你进入一个 时区时间就会改变一小时。

  • Different Effects of the Local Time and the Zone Time in the study of the Ionosphere

    地方时与 区时在电离层研究中的差异

  • Adjust all clocks at mid-night by zone time signal .

    在午夜用 时区信号调准所有时钟。

  • Setting the time zone establishes the standard time for the region in which your computer is located .

    设置 时区,建立计算机所在地区的标准 时间

  • The fauna is a first discovery in the Dongjiang River Valley indicating a natural grassland environment on the northern margin of the torrid zone at that time .

    此动物群为广东东江流域历年首现,代表了 当时 热带北缘森林草原的自然环境。

  • Discussion on Division of Groundwater 's Waterhead Protection Zone By Time Criteria

    试论地下水水源保护 划分的 时间标准

  • Now you will be able to select your time zone and correct your time .

    现在,您可以选择您的 时区和校准 时间

  • It 's important and necessary to find a logical and effective method to solve the problem of enrolling register and so on in different zone and different time which affects the landscape development of network education of colleges and universities .

    如何更合理有效地解决不同 地域不同 时间的报名、注册等问题,成为影响高校远程教育横向发展的一个至关重要的问题。

  • Subsequently the author grid Fujian zone and calculate time history of every node use method mentioned above .

    随后,作者对福建 地区进行网格划分,并采用该方法分别计算得到各个网格点处的地震动 程。

  • Application with the driving zone and driving time should marked .

    注明行驶 区域和行驶 时间的书面申请。

  • Aiming at urgent requirement of drilling leakage zone in real time measurement the development of wireline downhole leak detector has prodigious practice sense .

    针对 实时测量钻井漏失 层位的迫切需要,研制电缆式井下测漏仪具有很大的实际意义。

  • According to DSC and non-isothermal crystallization kinetic analysis with the increase of PET viscosity the onset crystallization temperature shifted to the low temperature zone half-crystallization time shortened and the crystallization rate slowed down .

    根据DSC和非等温结晶动力学分析,随着PET粘度增大,结晶峰温度向 低温方向偏移,半结晶 时间增大,结晶速率降低,结晶变得困难,并且降温速率越快,PET越难结晶。

  • T1 : when the objected object enters the action zone the time from proximity sensor being in action state to output appearance .

    检测物体进入动作 ,从接近传感器成为动作状态到出现输出的 时间

  • The whole conditions of sporopollen imply warm cool and moist climate of temperate zone at that time suggesting wide distribution of deciduous and latifoliate forests .

    孢粉总的面貌反映了温凉、湿润的 温带气候,指示了落叶、阔叶森林广泛分布。

  • Panama Canal Zone Standard Time

    巴拿马运河 标准

  • On the analysis of the relationship between fissure closure zone and time we gave the calculation method of the fissure closure zone . ( 4 ) We discussed the concept of key aquifuge and determination ways .

    通过分析裂缝闭合 时间之间的关系,给出了裂缝闭合带的计算方法。(4)探讨了关键隔水层的概念及确定方式。

  • On the other hand removing DMC out of the reaction zone in time can not only promote the reaction of MC to DMC but also suppress the side reaction effectively .

    反应过程中 及时 移出产物碳酸二甲酯既可以促进氨基甲酸甲酯向碳酸二甲酯转化,又可以有效地抑制副反应发生。

  • China and Japan have had some difference about dividing the continental shelf of the East Sea and exclusive economic zone for a long time .

    长期 以来,中国与日本在东海大陆架与专属经济 的划分上存在着分歧。

  • The key is to balance it so the student gains confidence and have an easier time leaving their comfort zone the next time .

    关键是如何平衡两者之间的关系,使得学生们获得信心,并且更容易在 下次摆脱他们的舒适 地带

  • Through the control strategy the power can be distributed reasonably SOC could be maintained in the best zone all the time .

    通过整车控制策略,可以实现合理的功率分配,并能保证动力电池的SOC始终维持在最佳 区域

  • They read waters will and put the fly in the pay zone time after time .

    他们把经过飞水将在磷瑷一 又一次 地带