thin film head

[θɪn fɪlm hɛd][θin film hed]

[计] 薄膜磁头

  • A simulated three dimensional thin film head field was utilized in the write process and a giant-magnetoresistive ( GMR ) head was used in the read process .

    在写入过程中采用了模拟的三维 薄膜 磁头,在读出过程中用的是巨磁阻(GMR)磁头。

  • Investigation of 2048 Dot Thin Film Thermal Printing Head in Facsimiles

    传真机2048点 薄膜热印 的研究

  • Development of thin film thermal print head

    薄膜热印 研制

  • Recently the magnetic recording density increasing rate reaches 60 % annually due to the breakthrough of high Hc low noise media thin film MR head reading channel and positionning technology .

    近几年来,由于高矫顽力低噪声介质、 薄膜磁阻 、读写及定位技术等方面的重大突破,使记录密度以每年60%的速率递增。

  • A Thin Film for Magnetic Head Without Barkhausen Noise

    无巴克豪生噪声的 薄膜 磁头材料

  • Dynamic Character of Ultra Thin Film Gas lubrication for Magnetic Head / Disk

    磁头/硬盘 超薄 气体润滑动态性能分析

  • The thin film pyroelectric detector and the thin film prepare unit-type drill head

    薄膜型热释电探测器及其 薄膜的制备组合钻床钻头,标准 钻头

  • Application of erythromycin eye ointment and paste thin film for patients undergoing head oral cavity maxillofacial region operations under general anesthesia

    红霉素眼膏和粘贴 薄膜口腔颌面部全身麻醉手术病人中的应用