think piece

[θɪŋk pis][θiŋk pi:s]


  • So you can imagine we actually don 't need to think of it as a piece of gold foil it might be easier to think of it as a couple of layers of atoms .

    所以可以想象,我们不用 它当成一 金箔,只要把它当成是几层原子,所以他所作的就是。

  • I think it 's a piece of cake for me .

    认为对我来讲是小菜 一碟

  • I think this piece is suitable for the way of viewing .

    认为 作品非常适合于这种观看。

  • I think another piece of the puzzle is also important – that is to reflect the evolving roles of the Bank and the International Monetary Fund over the last few years .

    认为处理另一 难题也很重要,那就是要反映过去几年内世行和国际货币基金组织日益演变的作用。

  • Do you think you can piece this torn curtain ? There 's a big rip in my sleeve .

    认为你能 这撕破的窗帘补好吗?我的袖子破了一大块。

  • Underneath I think he 's actually a rather nasty piece of work .

    内心里我 觉得他是个非常 讨厌的家伙。

  • I 'm reminded of the primacy of quality whenever I think about the oldest piece in my closet .

    每当我 想起橱柜里 最旧的衣服,我都会提醒自己质量是第一。

  • Who do you think gave him his first piece of silk ?

    以为谁跟他 了第一次?

  • And using the text plus these archive notes I think you will be able to piece together what you need .

    使用这个课本,再加上存档笔记,我 ,你们已经能组合 你们需要的了。

  • I 'm so full I can hardly move smiling Daddy sighed and said but I think I 'll have one more piece of that pie .

    “我吃得这么饱,都快动不了了,”爸爸面带微笑叹息着说道:“但是我还 想吃那样的馅饼。”

  • I gave it a greenish tint because I thought this gave it a more lagoonlike feeling and I think it gives the whole piece a more interesting touch ( Fig.19 ) .

    我给它一个偏绿的色调因为我觉得这样看起来更有湖水的感觉,并且我 觉得这样更增添了整体的 趣味性(如图19所示)。

  • I like challenging work and I think that each piece of work it is interesting .

    喜欢有挑战的工作,和 每份工作都有它有趣的地方。

  • And I 'm still hungry & I think there 's a piece left in the kitchen . I 'll stake out a claim for it if you guys don 't mind .

    我还没吃够 ,你们要不介意的话,厨房里剩下的 就归我了!

  • What I 'd like to think of is a piece of paper and if you cut out a certain shape that shape is good for doing something .

    我会去 成一 纸,然后你在上面剪一个形状,这个形状适合做一件事情。

  • I think I just found a piece of it .

    我正好找到了 凶器 部份

  • What do you think about using this piece for clothing ?

    做衣服,你 认为如何?

  • Don 't think this job a piece of cake . You 'll have to rack your brains once you start on it .

    以为这工作是 易如反掌的事,你做了就知道它是很伤脑筋的。

  • Every spring when the cuckoo sing I think of that piece of the home-yang bird flower it makes my childhood full of dreams and hope I painted a golden color .

    每到春天,杜鹃啼叫的时候,我都 想起家乡那 片片阳雀花,它让我的童年充满梦想和希望,给我涂上了一片金黄的色彩。

  • So part of it is trying to give yourself some time And I think the other piece is that it can often be very small thing .

    所以说,你要给自己一些时间,另外,就是 激发 发现 灵性的,可能都是些很小的事情。

  • He 's got one powerful think piece man .

    伙计,他的头脑 行。

  • The fact that I think that you 're a piece of garbage is irrelevant .

    事实上我 认为你这个 垃圾与此无关。

  • Do you think costume piece has mixed too much modern character ?

    古装 是否该参杂过多的现代元素

  • But I don 't think I need a small piece of paper to help people remember who I am .

    不过我不 认为我需要一张小 纸片来帮助人们记住我是谁。

  • Do you think you can piece this torn curtain ?

    认为你能补好 这块破窗帘吗?

  • Herzog shrugs : People accept a building and they give it a name or they don 't. If they think it looks like a piece of shit they call it the Piece of Shit .

    赫尔佐格耸耸肩:人们接受一座建筑才会给它起名,否则不会。如果他们 认为它看着像一堆 狗屎,他们就称它为狗屎。

  • I think it is a piece with universal appeal and Ill be happy if it makes people smile at Christmas time . said Munro .

    蒙罗说:我 认为 灯光田园能得到大家的普遍喜爱,如果它能使人们在圣诞节展露笑脸的话,我将会很开心。

  • I think this nozzle is one piece of our murder weapon .

    觉得这个喷嘴是凶器一 部分

  • Investors who think a piece of news will boost prices claim to be lifting the sedan chair .


  • Do you think it 's because a piece of the orbital bone was floating towards the brain ?

    是因为一 眼窝骨正朝大脑移动吗?

  • People anticipate grandeur in history dissertation topics war genocide the formation of modern society . They don 't think much of researching an obscure piece of 1970s disability legislation .

    人们对历史论文的期待总是高端大气、庄严宏伟,像战争、种族灭绝、现代社会的形成,研究20世纪70年代一条晦涩模糊的残疾人法案就不 待见了。