things real

[法] 不动产

  • A program may understand the state of things inside the computer but only a user understands the state of things in the real world .

    程序能够理解计算机内部事物的状态,而人类只能理解 真实世界的 事物状态。

  • When analyzing essential attributes of things in the real world we should restrict the range of a possible world and abandon non-real situations of the real world .

    在分析 现实世界中 事物的本质属性时,应限制可能世界概念的范围,摒弃现实世界的非真实情形。

  • Internet of things ( IoT ) is in a prevalent concept in recent years through various sensing equipment and networking it can connect people and things in the real world .

    物联网是近年来逐渐兴起的一个概念,它通过各种传感设备和网络将 现实世界中的人和 联系起来。

  • There are two things a real man likes & danger and play .

    真正的男人喜欢两 &危险和游戏。

  • When the attention is enlightened within you naturally you start seeing things from the real angle .

    当注意力在你们的内在受到启发,自然地,你们开始从 真实的角度看 事情

  • Jim was most surprise he thought : Such things can happen in real life ?

    他大为惊奇,想:这种 事情现实生活中可能会发生吗?

  • At the very beginning of my creation of works I hoped to avoid subject matters that were annoying and disappointing because there were too many such things in real life .

    在创作的一开始,我就希望避开令人烦恼和沮丧的题材,因为在 现实生活中这种 东西实在太多了。

  • He won two cup finals for Liverpool almost on his own and then achieved great things with Real Madrid .

    他几乎凭着一己之力为利物浦拿下两座奖杯,然后再 皇马赢得了 一切。他的职业生涯 令人鼓舞!

  • This command-line-based monitor shows you the load on the cluster the memory available memory being used and other things in real time .

    这个基于命令行的监控器向您 实时地显示集群上的负载、可用的内存、正在被使用的内存以及其他 内容

  • Don 't worry about your things . we 're real honest around here .

    别担心,我们这里的人 诚实善良。

  • This mirrors the way we categorize things in the real world .

    这反映了我们在 现实世界中分类 事物的方法。

  • MATLAB But there 's some things that are a real pain to do in MATLAB .

    但是用,做 东西 痛苦的。

  • Sculpture is an imitative art ie it copies people things etc from real life .

    雕刻是模仿的艺术(模刻 真实生活中的人、 等)。

  • None of these things are real & they are only promises .

    这些 东西都不 真实&它们只是空口白话而已。

  • I like to paint my thought and things that are not real . I felt very good when painting them .

    我也喜欢在画室画我的思想和 那些本不 存在 东西,这感觉很棒。

  • So knowledge can also be acquired through virtual practice . Virtual things are not real but they are true . Thus the knowledge form virtual practice is reliable .

    虚拟的虽不是 的,但却是真的,经由虚拟实践获得的 知识也可以是可靠的。

  • Three things that bring real happiness to your life : having someone to love doing the career you enjoy and owning a dream .

    人生有三 便可 真正幸福:有爱的人,有喜欢的事业,有梦想。

  • All these things have real economic value .

    所有这些 具有 实际的经济价值。

  • On the Fact Right of Things Real Option Used in Appraisal of Mineral Properties

    试论事实 物权矿业权评估的 实物期权方法

  • Fuzzy comprehensive theory quantifies these fuzzy an uncertain things existing in real life with fuzzy mathematics . The theory settles actual fuzzy problems via making relatively objective correct and realistic evaluation .

    综合模糊理论是利用模糊数学理论对 现实世界中广泛存在的那些模糊的、不确定的 事物进行定量化,从而做出相对客观的、正确的、符合实际的评价,进而解决具有模糊性的实际问题。

  • Real people work hard to produce things that have real value to themselves or to others .

    现实中的人努力工作,以获得对自己或他人 确实有价值的 产品

  • Such magnificent and beautiful things did not appear real .

    富丽到如此程度,漂亮到如此程度的 东西,在她看来,好象都不是 真实的。

  • His voice was great and he complimented me many times during our jamming session saying things like'You have a real gift'and'Thank you for sharing your musical talent with me ' .

    他的声音很棒,在这过程中,他 赞美了我许多次,像 “你 有天赋”、“谢谢你与我分享你的音乐才华”。

  • Such things can happen in real life .

    这种 事情现实生活中也会发生。

  • The things I see are real .

    我看到的 事情 的。

  • Are you ever bothered by a feeling that things are not real ?

    我曾经因怀疑 一些 事情并非 真实而苦恼。

  • Things can get deeply real around here very fast .

    这儿的 一切可能在短短时间内变得非常 真实

  • It 's amazing how we adults still have fears and worries about things that are not real .

    很奇怪的是我们做大人的人仍然在害怕和耽心一些不 真实 东西

  • Steve has driven us to make bold bets on things like Xbox Real Time Communications business applications IPTV and many others including the Live platform .

    史蒂夫已经驱使我们在 许多 事情上加上了重重的一笔赌注,如:Xbox、 实时通讯、商业应用程序、IPTV和许多包括Live平台在内的许多其他方面。

  • There are two things a real man like-danger and play ;

    有两 东西 真正的男子汉爱好的&危险与游玩;