thin section castings

[机] 薄壁铸件

  • According to the requirements of automobile exhaust pipes on material and its properties a high strength and toughness nodular cast iron of thin section castings has been developed .

    针对汽车发动机排气管材质及性能要求,研制了一种 薄壁高强韧铸态球墨铸铁排气管,确定了其化学成分和 铸造 工艺

  • Adopting Three Items Balance Method to Determine Chemical Composition of Thin Section Small Gray Iron Castings

    用三项平衡法确定灰 铸铁 薄壁 小件化学成分

  • Therefore in thin section castings for eliminating eutectic carbides and obtaining ferritic matrix melts treated by RE need high carbon content and hypereutectic composition .

    薄壁 铸件中获得无游离渗碳体和铁素体基体的稀土球铁的关键是高碳过共晶原铁水。

  • Effect of Sulphur on Microstructure of As-Cast Thin Section Nodular Iron Castings

    硫对 薄壁球铁 态显微组织的影响

  • Investigation on Super Thin - section Aluminium Alloy Castings by Travelling Magneticfield Casting

    超薄 铝合金 铸件移动磁场铸造的研究

  • Abstract Furan resin sand is poor in collapsibility when it is used for Al alloy casting specially for some large 、 thin section castings .

    呋喃树脂砂用于铝合金铸造时,特别是对于一些大型、 薄壁 合金 铸件,型芯的溃散性较差。

  • The morphology of the graphites especially the vermicular graphites in thin section gray iron castings with the thickness of 3 mm was investigated .

    研究3mm的 薄壁铸铁 的石墨形态,特别是蠕虫状石墨的形态。

  • Complex Inoculants on Application to High Strength Gray Iron Thin - section Castings

    复合孕育在 薄壁高强度灰 铸铁中的应用 热分公司

  • Venting System Design of Cylinder Block Castings with Thin Section and Complicated Construction Several Factors Influencing Shrinkage Cavity / Porosity Formation of Nodular Iron Castings with Thin Section

    气缸体类复杂 薄壁件型腔排气系统的合理设计影响薄壁球铁 缩孔缩松形成的几个因素

  • The Effect of SG on the Compacted Range of Graphite in Thin Section Castings of C / V Cast Iron

    SG对 薄壁 墨铸铁 蠕化范围的影响用冲天炉 生产蠕墨铸铁 的试验

  • Due to the use of discretion of variable substep this software is more suitable to thin section rotational castings .

    同时由于采用了变步长剖分,使本软件十分适合于处理 薄壁回转 铸件的凝固模拟。