think in terms of


  • You and your family will have to think in terms of programming your lives .

    你和家人将不得不 考虑 怎样给生活编程。

  • Intuitively we think in terms of abstraction .

    直观地,我们 抽象 方面进行 思考

  • So let 's think in terms of the heights of side triangles .

    所以我们就 这些三角形的高。

  • Most people do not think in terms of quantified achievements when they are in the job but on the resume that 's the only part of the job that matters .

    大部分人 认为当他们得到这份工作后,以前的那些成绩 了,但在简历上,这是唯一有用的。

  • Taking a long view of the project I began to think in terms of the rehearsal schedules required .

    为了对这个项目作长远打算,我开始 根据要求的排练计划 考虑问题。

  • RB : I think in terms of pure developments aerodynamic and mechanical that 's it .

    纯粹 进展 来说,空气动力和机械套件确实是的。

  • Most of these should be easy to understand if you think in terms of the JVM as a stack-based processor so I won 't go into details here .

    如果将 JVM 想象为基于堆栈的处理器,则其中大多数是容易理解的,因此我在这里就不再详细说明了。

  • The second change is better communication and knowledge sharing between the different groups of an organization ; Web services help everyone think in terms of services a shared concept .

    第二个改变是 组织 不同的团体之间进行更好的交流和知识共享;Web服务 “服务”(一个共享的概念)的 形式帮助每个人进行 思考

  • When you approach Lotus Notes application development you normally think in terms of forms views framesets and other components .

    当考虑LotusNotes应用程序开发时,通常会 想到表单、视图、框架集和其他组件。

  • And focusing on children makes people think in terms of their ideal selves .

    而把焦点放在孩子身上,会使人 产生一种变成理想的我的 想法

  • Again we still think in terms of the basic concepts and categories ? that were created for us long ago . Okay ?

    但是,我们仍 思考一些基础的,概念和类别,其 很久以前, 已为我们所创建了,好吗?

  • Think in terms of now-Focus on what you can do in the present moment .

    着眼 眼前的事情-要把注意力集中在目前能做的事情上。

  • Think in terms of total compensation and not just salary alone .

    考虑 收入时要 计算全部所得,而不仅仅是工资。

  • Because when people think about processes they often think in terms of what the process impacts .

    因为,当人们考虑流程时,经常 流程所影响的 方面进行 考虑

  • You will not find all the answers immediately but you will acquire an invaluable characteristic : the ability to think in terms of essentials .

    你不会立即找到所有的答案,但你将培养一种可贵的品质:一种 根据事物本质去 思考问题的能力。

  • I meet many businessmen and I see they think in terms of the overall picture

    我认识许多商人,我发觉他们 考虑问题都是 全局出发的。

  • They should also think in terms of object types events changes to the state of the objects and business rules that trigger and control events .

    他们也应该 按照对象类型、事件、对象状态的变化,以及触发和控制事件的业务规则进行 思考

  • With all that was said so far you can easily think in terms of using any kind of dynamic invocation techniques ( such as dynamic proxies for late binding ) like unfortunately many developers do .

    根据到目前为止的讲述,您容易 想到使用任何种类的动态调用技术(如后期绑定的动态代理),不幸的是,许多开发者都是这样做的。

  • Many still think in terms of traditional criminology .

    许多人还 传统的犯罪学 思考问题。

  • Rather than thinking in terms of ' problems ' try to think in terms of ' solutions ' .

    我们没有思考着问题,而是只 想着解决方法。

  • In the world of the Internet most people think in terms of seconds .

    在因特网的世界中,多数人 按照秒来 思考时间。

  • For instance when we deal with one another in a legal and a moral setting we think in terms of free will and responsibility .

    比如,当我们彼此一逻辑和道德的假设来处理时,我们 考虑 自由意志和责任感。

  • It is a national party and I think in terms of what it has to offer to the citizens of this nation is more than any other party so I have chosen to vote for it .

    认为,和其它政党 相比,它能给巴基斯坦的公民提供更多的服务和好处,所以我决定投票支持它。

  • This is a classic example of how a top-down scripting problem can be solved but in the next section you change your approach completely and think in terms of objects .

    这是如何解决自顶向下的脚本问题的经典示例,但是在下一个部分中,您将完全改变这种方法,并 对象的 角度 考虑问题。

  • Again notice that GORM allows you to think in terms of objects instead of primary or foreign keys .

    同样地,我们注意到GORM也允许您 对象而不是主键或外键的 角度思考

  • Children should learn to think in terms of I rather than we .

    孩子应该学会 “我”来 思考,而不是“我们”。

  • Try not to think in terms of right and wrong .

    知道 错了。

  • The key to coding XSLT is to think in terms of pattern matching rather than calling functions .

    编写XSLT 考虑的重点是模式匹配,而不是函数调用。