think fit

[θɪŋk fɪt][θiŋk fit]


  • Cassio . Yet I beseech you If you think fit or that it may be done Give me advantage of some brief discourse With Desdemona alone .

    凯西奥可是我还要请求您一件事:要是您 认为没有妨碍,或是可以办得到的话,请您设法让我独自见一见苔丝狄蒙娜,跟她作一次简短的谈话。

  • But I 'm happy for you if you think you 're fit enough .

    不过我还是为你高兴,如果你 认为你很 合适的话。

  • The Council may create set aside and deal with in such manner and for such purpose as the Council may think fit any provident fund or sinking fund which the Council may deem necessary or expedient .

    校董会可按其认为适当的方式及为其认为适当的目的,设立、取消和处理校董会 认为有需要或 合宜的任何公积金或累积基金。

  • To open a current account with themselves for the Company and to advance any money to the Company with or without interest and upon such terms and conditions as they shall think fit .

    为公司开破与董事之间的往来账户,按照董事会 认为 合适的条件及条款给公司垫款,该等垫款可收取利息或不收取利息。

  • I think we can fit you in at2:30 .

    我们能 安排在2点30分。

  • I think this color fit her .

    这种颜色 适合她。

  • I think it will fit him perfectly .

    会非常 适合他的。

  • And dispose of such human remains and any coffin urn or other receptacle containing such human remains in such decent manner as it may think fit .

    并且以其 认为 适当而合乎体统的方式处置上述遗骸及盛载上述遗骸的棺木、瓮盎或其他盛器。

  • Unless otherwise stated the Seller shall arrange delivery of the products to the Buyer at the destination port stated herein and by the appropriate transportation means as the Seller shall think fit .

    除非另有规定,卖方应安排产品通过卖方 认为 适合的恰当的运输方式将产品在本合同项下规定的目的港交付给买方。

  • To employ invest or otherwise deal with any Reserve Fund or Reserve Funds in such manner and for such purposes as the Directors may think fit .

    按董事会 以为 适合的方法和目标,应用、投资或以其他方式处理储备金。

  • I don 't think she 'll fit into the organization .

    认为她不 适合参加这个组织。

  • Water fit to drink ; fit for duty ; do as you think fit .

    适合于饮用的水;胜任职务;做自己 认为 合适的事。

  • Make any alterations as you may think fit .


  • We shall leave it entirely to your discretion ; do as you think fit .

    我们将完全让你去作决定,你 觉得怎么 就怎么

  • Provided that a judge of the court may allow such departures from any prescribed form as he may think fit in any particular case .

    但在任何个别情况中,对于任何订明的表格,法院的法官可准予作其 认为 适合的偏离。

  • You can handle the matter as you think fit .

    这事儿你 酌量吧。

  • Just do as you think fit .


  • We shall hear evidence as we think fit .

    我们将会听取我们 认为 合适的证据。

  • I think it is fit for her to learn each topic every day .

    觉得对她来说,每天完成一个专题是比较 合适的。

  • Yes they come from languages such as Ruby but I think they fit in nicely .

    是的,这些语法来自诸如Ruby之类的语言,但我 认为它们 配合得非常好。

  • When translating the English commercial advertisements with euphemism in practice the translators usually should think out fit translation strategies according to varied euphemisms .

    当要将包含委婉语的英文商业广告翻译成中文时,实践中译者通常 针对不同委婉风格的广告制定 特定的翻译策略。

  • A disciplinary committee may adopt such procedure as it may think fit in relation to any matter not provided for by the Ordinance or these regulations .

    对于本条例或本规例没有作出规定的任何事宜,纪律委员会可采取其 认为 适当的程序处理。

  • I think I could fit you in at around two .

    我可以 安排您在2点左右。

  • I don 't think we can fit all this stuff in the car .

    觉得我们没办法 这堆东西都装进车里。

  • The Council may prescribe by notice posted in such manner as it may think fit at any public cemetery or other place the times during which human remains may be received into the cemetery .

    区域市政局可在任何公众坟场或其他地方,以其 认为 适当的方式张贴告示,藉以订明该坟场接收死者遗骸的时间。

  • Saleswoman : I don 't think it will fit you .

    店员:我 它不 适合你。

  • You know I think you 'd fit in well in our family .

    你知道,我 认为你跟我们的家族 非常 合得来

  • Do you think my clothes fit well ? asked the emperor .

    “你 认为我的衣服 非常 合身吗?”皇帝问道。

  • The shoulders of this Blazer look very broad . I don 't think it will fit me .

    这件西装外套的肩膀看起来好宽,我不 认为我穿会 合身