think time

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[计] 判断时间

  • So I think last time you got introduced to basically a lattice model for translational motion .

    上一 已经基本,地介绍给你们关于平移运动的格点模型。

  • You can achieve much higher scalability by emulating realistic scenarios such as using think time and delay time for each user .

    您能够通过仿真实际的场景获得更高的缩放比例,例如为每位用户使用 思考 时间和延迟时间。

  • The final problem with Think Time policies is they assume that the fruits of dedicated thinking are going to be positive .

    思考 时间政策最后的问题是,这种政策假定,专门进行思考的成果都将是有益的。

  • Fixed think time ( by default 2 seconds )

    固定的 思考 时间(默认是2秒钟);

  • The think time in this case is fixed at2 seconds for this example unlike the default which uses recorded think time .

    这个例子中的 思考 时间设定为2秒钟,不像默认的那样,利用记录的思考时间。

  • This makes you think that time is a fixed factor .

    这让你 以为 时间是个固定因素。

  • Pessimistic session locking should be used with great discretion as it serializes access to data across a business process that includes user think time .

    必须谨慎使用悲观会话锁定,因为它在业务流程(包括用户 思考 时间)中序列化数据访问。

  • I think this time also it through .


  • We do not think the time is ripe for the discussion of the question of sole agency .

    我们 认为讨论独家代理问题 时机尚不成熟。

  • Can I specify user think time ?

    我是否能够指定用户 思考 时间

  • And I even think the time then was very happy .

    甚至我一直 觉得时候 时光很快乐。

  • Do you think the time of it was an accident ?


  • A curt reply came back stating that 10 per cent Think Time was something Tim believes in and urges us to do although it was not compulsory .

    对方给出了非常简短的回复,称10% 思考 时间是蒂姆相信是对的,并敦促我们去做的事情,尽管不是强制性的。

  • RB : I think every time you get surprised .


  • In this example we set the think time for this schedule at2 seconds before running the test unlike the default which uses recorded think time .

    在这个例子中,我们在运行测试之前,为这个调度设置了一个两秒钟的 思考 时间,不像默认的那样,使用记载的思考时间。

  • What makes you think this time will be any different ?

    你为什么 觉得这次跟 上次不同呢?

  • I have always been labelled as an excellent player who has never won anything I think time has come .

    我已经总是被作为一个优秀的球员但没有赢得任何东西贴上标签,我 时间已经到了。

  • There was no additional think time added between individual operations in the use cases .

    在用例的私人操作之间没有添加的额外“ 思考 时间”。

  • The last time we had protests like this in 2010 the effects only lasted about a month but I think this time is going to be different . This is going to have a serious impact .

    我们最后一次进行这样的抗议活动是在2010年,其影响只持续了一个月左右,但我 认为这一 将会不同,这将产生严重影响。

  • Randomizing the think time by percentage .

    随机设定 思考 时间的百分点。

  • In fact I think this time the West should learn from China .

    认为 是西方应该向中国学习。

  • If you think time is not enough you must hurry up to do every thing quickly .

    如果你 认为 时间不够,那你必须赶快做所有事。

  • But I don 't think time is gonna heal this broken heart .

    然而我却不 时间能将我的心伤治愈。

  • I think last time we did the same right when we were in London .

    记得我们 上次是在伦敦也是这样的。

  • I think the time has come for Montoni 's to go smoke-free .

    该是 蒙托尼成为无烟餐馆的时候了。

  • I look at the table feel the second hand more walk more slowly I think time man must sleep forget dial the clock now .

    我抬头看看表,感觉秒针越走越慢,我 时间老人一定贪睡,忘记拨钟了吧。

  • I think enough time has passed that I can share the following anecdote .

    有一件关于Apple的轶事可以拿来谈谈,毕竟它已经过去足够 时间了。