zero level

[ˈzɪro ˈlɛvəl][ˈziərəu ˈlevl]


  • Afterwards the quadripole correction was discussed and applied to evaluate the deviation of the potential of electrocardiograph 's Wilson central terminal from zero level .

    然后,讨论了四极修正并用它估算了心电图机Wilson中心端的电势对 零值的偏差。

  • Research on Zero Level Information in Feasibility Study of Financing or Investment Based on Grey System Theory

    基于灰色系统理论的投融资可行性中 情报的研究

  • The Expression among Three Hitting Zero Level Probabilities

    3种首达 水平的概率的相互表示

  • For Mumford-Shah model 's low efficiency and narrow band can 't be used our method uses multiple zero level sets as begining and multi-scales strategy on parameters .

    对于简化Mumford-Shah模型计算量大,又不能使用窄带法的缺点,该文使用多个 水平集作初始化并采取多尺度策略。

  • The result showed that the chemical reaction of microwave synthesizing nano-TiC is a zero level reaction the kinetic equation of the reaction and the reaction 's activation energy were confirmed .

    结果表明,微波合成纳米碳化钛粉体的化学反应属 反应,且确定了反应动力学方程及反应的活化能。

  • Besides the relationship of fermenting rate in stationary phase and glucose concentration was similar to zero level reaction .

    在细胞生长稳定期,发酵速率与基质浓度的关系类似 反应;

  • This method can set the zero level set automatically and evolution the level set curve in given areas .

    方法能够自动确定 水平集并在特定区域内进行曲线演化,使目标轮廓检测更加精确。

  • The audiometric zero level has been measured in the frequency range 2-100 Hz with particular attention to frequencies below 25 Hz . A Direct Determination for Hearing Threshold of Bone Conduction by Using Impedance Head

    本文对低频段的听力 进行了测量,得到了两个不同测试组在2Hz&100Hz频率段的阈值曲线。纯音骨导听力零级的测定

  • Audiometric zero level at infrasonic frequencies


  • Firstly use GDI + segmentation technology to get the rough outline of tissues and organs from the fused images then take the outline as initial zero level set curve and with the narrowband M-S model ultimately get a more accurate profile .

    对融合后的图像,先利用GDI+技术进行图像组织器官分割,得到较粗糙的器官大致轮廓,然后以此粗糙轮廓线作为初始 水平集曲线,利用M-S模型建立窄带,最终得到较精准的轮廓。

  • The Review of the Research Advance of Zero Level Theory of Information


  • Based on an excellent band-pass filter the energy from zero to tenth-diurnal tidal level is reasonably analysed by the lumped response analysis .

    本文采用对不同潮族进行带通滤波而后进行响应分析的方法对 潮汐进行分析。

  • The prior region constrains the zero level set evolving in certain region and the prior shape pulls the curve to the ideal contour .

    先验区域限制 水平集在特定区域迭代,先验形状使曲线向理想轮廓演化。

  • And in image processing of using a digital filtering method to eliminate the spectrum representation of the diffraction and zero level as twin like .

    并在图像处理方面,利用数字频谱滤波法消除了再现像中的 衍射以及孪生像。

  • They difined and kept the moving interface as zero level of Level Set function .

    他们把运动界面定义成 levelset函数的 等值面,然后始终保持它是 等值面。

  • The correlation coefficient between growing period of rice and plant growth parameters was higher under zero nitrogen level than that of nitrogen fertilizer level .

    水稻生育期与植物生长参数的相关系数在 氮时均 施用氮肥时的大。

  • Power devices of inverter must be controlled in the zero level of DC pulse voltage . It not only meets certain switching rule but also changes switching state in order to realize zero voltage switching .

    逆变器功率管为实现零电压开关,除了要满足一定的开关规律外,还必须控制在直流脉冲波形的 改变开关状态。

  • The orthogonal signal radar is studied with new system radar . The cross-relation peak of this kind of signal is zero level . The new system radar can change the phase array radar detection mode .

    正交信号雷达是伴随着新体制雷达发展而开始研究的,其各单元发射信号之间 相关,采用这种体制的雷达将彻底改变传统相控阵体制雷达探测方式。

  • Sets a technical zero at a level of0.1 % - the lowest level of GM material considered by the EU Reference Laboratory for the validation of quantitative methods ;

    建立转基因产品的 水平(0.1%)技术&通过欧盟指定的实验室进行定量确认转基因产品的最低水平。

  • The results showed that the plasma and liver chromium were elevated more significantly by Cr-Pic and Cr-Gly than by CrCl ( p0.05 ) and by 0.4 and 4mg / kg than by zero level ( p0.05 ) .

    试验结果表明:关于铬的代谢,吡啶羟酸铬、甘氨酸铬较三氯化铬以及4mg/kg水平较0.4mg/kg水平、0.4mg/kg水平较 水平显著提高了血浆铬及肝铬 水平(pO.01)。

  • In order to optimize the parameters of management Grading Model are established according the cell performance unction partial derivative parameters and the parameters are divided into primary parameters of level zero parameters level 1 parameters level 2 parameters and level 3 parameters .

    为了更好的对参数进行优化管理,我们建立参数分级模型,根据电池的性能与参数的偏导数函数将参数分成 级参数、一 参数、二级参数和三级参数。

  • The moving surface is supposed to be the interface of water and air and is described as the zero level set of a smooth function .

    运动界面就是两种介质(水和空气)的交界面,它被看作是光滑的 levelset函数的 等值面。

  • Meant for the zero level beginners ;

    教学对象是 起点的初学者;

  • And the external energy term of IMDC adopts the intensity instead of the gradient of the image to drive the curve on zero level set toward the desired image features such as the object boundaries .

    同时,借鉴C-V模型的基本思想,IMDC采用图像的亮度信息而非梯度来构造模型的外部能量项,确保了 水平集曲线稳定地收敛于期望的图像特征点(如目标轮廓点)。