zero-order reaction

[机] 零级反应

  • According to mass spectrum analyses it has been deduced qualitatively that H2O CH4 and CO ( CO2 ) are produced from zero-order surface reaction multi-step synthetic surface reaction and collision surface reaction respectively .

    质谱分析定性地指出,主要气相杂质H2O来自 表面 化学 反应,CH4来自多步骤合成表面化学反应,CO(CO2)则来自碰撞表面化学反应。

  • The results showed that 83.83 % of nicotine was degraded in 36 h the degradation process of nicotine followed zero-order reaction of Monod model .

    结果表明,36h烟碱降解率为83.83%,其降解过程符合Monod模型的 反应,动力学方程为:C(t)