

[电] 零误差

  • Therefore Chinese higher education needs to take in the experiences of business management which includes the formation of a series ideas namely scientific positioning the employee first the balance of employment and training customer orientated rule innovation and Zero-error .

    提出在经济 全球化的情况下,我国高等教育管理要从企业管理科学中汲取 有益 营养,并具体论述了科学定位、员工第一、引进和培养 并重、客户导向、制度创新、 危机意识等政策取向。

  • The prominent character of the approach is that the FLC can on-line search for the steady-state control value needed for the zero-error tracking and optimize the fuzzy control table dynamically .

    该方法的显著特点是,能够在线搜索 跟踪所需要的稳态控制量,同时动态优化模糊控制 表。

  • Adopting a statistical method this paper analyses the conformance test reliability based on the formal specification then it will give the confidence interval for the reliability and especially point out the conditions which can affect the reliability under ' zero-error ' .

    该文采用统计的方法分析基于形式规范的协议一致性测试的可靠性,通过计算给出待 实体 经过这种测试后所能达到的可靠性的置信区间,特别指出在 错误下影响可靠性的条件。

  • Based on a local form of small gain theorem the sufficient conditions which guarantee the robust stability of the closed-loop system when the identified model was mismatched with the real model of the controlled system and guarantee the zero-error tracking for set-point regulation were presented .

    利用局部形式的小增益定理,得到在辨识模型和实际对象模型失配的情况下,闭环系统鲁棒稳定的充分条件.对于设定点调节问题,得出闭环系统获得 稳态 误差跟踪性能的充分条件。

  • Zero-error Servo System of Finite Settling Time

    跟踪 误差的有限 定时间伺服系统

  • A New Type of Loop Using First-order or Second-order Steady-state Zero-error Systems for locking Frequency multiplication and Tracking

    用一阶或二阶 系统实现锁定、倍频及跟踪的新型环路

  • The model of this new-type microgrid inverter is studied and established . The simulation results show that the microgrid formed by this new-type inverters can both operates in grid-connected mode and achieves zero-error control of frequency in islanding operation mode .

    分析并建立了虚拟 同步发电机逆变器的模型,通过仿真试验,结果表明由该逆变电源组成的微电网既能 连接大电网运行,又能实现孤岛运行时频率的 控制。

  • Working principle of ZPETC is analyzed and its zero-error performance is proved .

    分析了零相位误差跟踪控制算法的工作原理,证明了其控制效果的 性。

  • In order to realize zero-error-control the generalized integrator is introduced into the current controller of active power filter . The control strategies of active power filter and its zero-error characteristics are detailed .

    为了实现并联有源滤波器的电流无差跟踪控制,本文将广义积分控制器引入APF电流跟踪控制环节中,并对有源滤波器广义积分控制策略及其 特性进行了详细的分析研究。

  • Zero-error Low Frequency Three-phase Phase Shift Signal Generator

    误差低频 程控三相相移信号发生器

  • Its advantages include not only zero-error brought by FNT but also convenience for hardware manipulation no saving for intermediate data and less area-consume .

    不仅具有 FNT本身 误差的优点,而且有适合于硬件实现,具有不用保存中间结果,节省面积的优点。

  • In this paper a direct adaptive control algorithm is presented for the controlled autoregressive integrated moving-average ( CARIMA ) model with bounded disturbances and the proof of its global stability is carried out The algorithm can deal with nonminimum-phase systems and guarantee a steady-state zero-error output .

    本文对存在有界扰动的CARIMA模型提出一种自适应控制算法,并进行了稳定性分析.该控制算法可用于非最小相位系统的控制,并能保证输出 稳态 误差

  • New synchronous control technology based on double closed-loop zero-error hardware interpolation and its application

    新型双闭环 误差硬件插补同步控制技术及应用