zinc sulfate

[zɪŋk ˈsʌlˌfet][ziŋk ˈsʌlˌfeɪt]


  • This paper introduces the principle of xanthate purification process . The capacity treating high impurities Zinc sulfate solution in this method can be raised by constant practice and majorization .

    通过对黄药净化法工艺原理的介绍,在处理高杂质 硫酸 溶液生产实践中,对影响黄药净化法工艺参数不断进行优化,从而提高了该方法对处理高杂质 硫酸 溶液的除杂效果。

  • In general spray applications using zinc sulfate have been the most generally used and successful on trees .

    一般说来,采用 硫酸 的叶面喷布最为常见,对树的效果也较好。

  • In this paper the process and conditions from Zn-contained waste liquor to produce Zinc sulfate and Zinc Chloride are introduced .

    本文介绍了从含 废液制取 硫酸 及氯化锌的工艺过程及工艺条件,为减少环境污染提供了一条有效途径。

  • Impact of thallium on determining antimony in zinc sulfate solution and countermeasures

    铊对测定 硫酸 溶液中锑的影响与对策

  • On the Electrodeposition Behavior of Zn-Ti Alloy from Baths Containing Zinc Sulfate and Sodium Chloride

    在含 硫酸 和氯化钠的槽液中Zn-Ti合金电沉积行为的研究

  • Zinc sulfate solution and tannic acid solution have good dissolution rate .

    硫酸 溶液与鞣酸溶液均对牙石有很好的溶解作用。

  • It describes the test and operation of zinc sulfate solution purification by antimony trioxide instead of arsenate .

    介绍 硫酸 溶液由砷盐净化改为锑盐净化的试验及生产实践情况。

  • Preious academic studies hae suggested that the use of zinc sulfate could help patients regain their sense of taste more quickly after radiation therapy .

    前期学术研究表明应用 硫酸 可以帮助患者在放射治疗后更快地恢复他们的味觉。

  • The Protective Effect of Exogenous Zinc Sulfate on the Liver of Diabetic Rats

    外源 硫酸 对糖尿病大鼠肝脏的保护作用

  • Effect of zinc sulfate and zinc methionine on growth and their mechanism in mice

    硫酸 和蛋氨酸锌对小鼠早期生长的影响研究

  • Experiment Study on Extracting Dechlorination by Solvent Extraction from the Zinc Sulfate Solution

    溶剂萃取法从 硫酸 溶液中萃取脱氯的试验研究

  • The title nano-scale zinc oxide with good dispersibility has been prepared based on zinc sulfate and sodium carbonate as basic materials under controlled reaction conditions .

    硫酸 和碳酸钠为原料,通过控制反应条件合成了分散性好的纳米氧化锌。

  • Application of basic zinc carbonate in iron removal of zinc sulfate solution

    碱式碳酸锌在 硫酸 溶液净化除铁中的应用

  • The purpose of purification process is to remove all kinds of metallic impurities in zinc sulfate solution and to provide qualified solution for the following electrolytic zinc process .

    本文介绍了洗净研究现状及最新进展, 洗净过程用平衡论解析污垢的排除机理及界面能理论在 洗净系统应用研究。

  • Study on Separation of Cobalt from Zinc Sulfate Solution

    高钴 硫酸 溶液中钴的分离研究

  • Effect of Zinc Sulfate on the Testing of Chromate Conversion Film on the Surface of Galvanized Steel Sheets

    硫酸 对镀锌钢板中铬酸盐转化膜检测的影响

  • A method of synthesis of n-butyl acetate catalyzed by zinc sulfate has been developed .

    硫酸 催化,乙酸和正丁醇合成乙酸正丁酯。

  • He acute toxicity of zinc citrate in rabbits and pharmacokinetics were studied by atomic absorption spectrometry and zinc sulfate was used as control .

    目的:应用原子吸收光谱法,以 硫酸 作对照,对枸橼酸锌的急性毒性和在家兔体内的药物动力学进行实验性研究。方法:对家兔做毒性实验和药物动力学研究。

  • Study on Recovering Chlorine from Zinc Sulfate Solution with Ion Exchange

    离子交换法从 硫酸 溶液中吸附氯的研究

  • The technological conditions of the preparation of zinc sulfate with smithsonite as raw materials was reported .

    本文报道了用菱锌矿作原料,制备 硫酸 的工艺条件。

  • Practice of Producing High-Grade Zinc with High Cl and Mn Zinc Sulfate Solution

    高氯、锰 硫酸 溶液生产优质锌实践

  • The first study of the article was the solution of zinc sulfate hydrochloric acid citric acid tannic acid and acetate to dissolve calculus these five solutions can dissolve some calculus .

    首先研究了了 硫酸 、盐酸、柠檬酸、鞣酸、醋酸等溶液对离体牙石的溶解性,发现这五种溶液均对牙石有一定的溶解作用。

  • This study is the largest ever reported to date to evaluate zinc sulfate in the treatment or prevention of taste alteration for patients receiving radiation therapy for head and neck cancer .

    这项研究是目前数量最大的评价 硫酸 在治疗和预防头颈肿瘤患者接受放射治疗时味觉改变的作用的报道。

  • Theoretical analysis and technological progress in purification of cobalt from zinc sulfate solution

    硫酸 溶液净化除钴的理论分析和工艺进展

  • Produces zinc sulfate using zinc oxide dust .

    用氧化锌烟尘生产 硫酸

  • And SDDTC and zinc sulfate sodium chromate corrosion inhibitors of the compound has good synergies all of this research has important practical application of significance .

    而且SDDTC与 硫酸 ,铬酸钠之复配缓蚀剂具有很好的协同增效作用,这一切相关研究具有重要的实际应用意义。

  • Simultaneous Polarographic Determination of manganese and iron in zinc sulfate

    极谱法同时测定 硫酸 中的锰和铁

  • ZnO nanoparticles were prepared by means of homogeneous precipitation from zinc sulfate and urea .

    硫酸 和尿素为原料,采用均相沉淀法制备纳米ZnO颗粒,并用TEM,IR,TGA,XRD等测试手段对其进行了表征。