zero line

[ˈzɪro laɪn][ˈziərəu lain]


  • Importance of Zero Line in Power - supply System with Three - phase Four - wire System

    三相四线制供电系统中 线的意义

  • Earthworks zero line is determined by constructing the spatial gridding curved surface model of the original terrain and the field leveling design terrain by digital elevation mode ( DEM ) .

    目的利用数字高程模型(Digitalelevationmodel,DEM)构造原始地形和场平设计地形的空间网格曲面模型,确定土方工程中的 线

  • The earthquakes occurred in vicinity of the negative area or the zero line .

    地震都发生在剩余异常的负值区或 零值 线附近。

  • The zero line of the whole year latent heat convergence runs roughly along 32 & 34 ° N. The distribution of latent heat sinks and sources coincides well with that of precipitation in China .

    我国全年潜热辐合量 零值 线大致沿纬度32~34°N,潜热源、汇的分布与我国降水量的分布特征很一致。

  • The utility model can prevent acupuncture electricity stealing cutting external insulating layer electricity stealing and outdoor fire wire and zero line sequence exchanging electricity stealing .

    该防窃电电线能防止针刺窃电、割开外绝缘层窃电、户外火线及 线换序窃电。

  • The suitable situation and characteristics and notable problems of protection of ground and connecting zero line are presented and the causes resulting in errors are analyzed .

    介绍了保护接地和保护 的适用场合、特性及注意问题,并分析了其错误原因。

  • When the wires are multiphase conductor it should be easy for us to distinguish the colors and the color of phase should be different from that of the zero line .

    当配线采用多相导线时,其相线的颜色应便于区分,相线与 线的颜色应不同。

  • Causes and Prevention of Zero Line Break in TN-C Power Supply System

    TN-C系统 线断线故障成因及预防

  • The result shows that in the Cartesian coordinate system the horizontal components have two zero lines and are distributed in four quadrants . While the vertical component field has only one zero line and are distributed in two half planes .

    结果表明,在直角坐标系下,水平分量有两条零线场呈四个象限分布状态;垂向分量场仅有一条 线,场为半平面分布状态。

  • The two added side ears and two zero line spring sheets make the connection of the zero line easy and reliable .

    通过增加的两个侧耳和两个 线弹片使零线联接简便可靠;

  • Zero Line and Active Electricity Omission in Low-voltage Load Measurement Wiring

    低压负荷计量接线中的 线与有功电量漏计

  • The paper presents the supposed zero line method which has clear concept and can simplify the calculation procedure .

    本文提出了假想 线的方法,概念清楚,能够大大简化计算过程。

  • Discussion on Zero Line Commonly Used by Lighting Sub-line Single Phase Loop

    关于照明支线单相回路共用 线的探讨

  • The area enclosed by positive anomalies above zero line is directly proportional to water discharge . This way to detect groundwater is called the method of difference time between two decays .

    正异常包含的面积与单位 涌水量成正比,这种探测地下水的方法就是二次时差法。

  • Estimation of Earthworks Zero Line Based on Spatial Gridding Curved Surface Model Constructed by Digital Elevation Model

    基于DEM构造的空间网格曲面模型确定土方工程 线

  • The existing three-lane system is the smart remote control switches wiring switches and the need to live zero line light line can work .

    现有的智能遥控开关是三线制接线方式,开关需要同时接火线, 线,灯线才能工作。

  • The Protection of Ground and Zero Line Connection in the Low-Voltage Power Network

    低压电力网 地和接 保护

  • In the cylindrical and spherical coordinate systems all the field component fields have merely one zero line and are characterized by half-plane distribution .

    在柱坐标和球坐标系下,所有场分量都只有一条 线,场为半平面分布状态。

  • If the design is not proper the common zero line will not be protected due to overload to make its insulation ageing and even burnt down thus to cause fire .

    如果设计不当,共用 线会因过载而无法受到保护,致使其绝缘老化甚至烧毁,而引起火灾。

  • In this paper a correctional method of pressure zero line is proposed and some practical examples of the analysis and application of indicator diagrams are introduced .

    本文还提出了一种压力 线的修正方法,给出了示功图分析应用的几个实例。

  • Fault Analysis on the Abnormally Large Current on the Protection Zero Line of the Circulatory Pump Motor

    循环泵电动机保护 线上反常大电流的故障分析

  • In the first the article analyzes kWh meter in its current polarity voltage phase sequence wiring quality misusage of meters zero line wiring method etc aspects to cause measurement error causes and the suggests and solutions are raised .

    文章首先分析了电度表在电流极性、电压相序、接线质量、错用表具、 线接法等方面引起的计量误差原因,并提出改进意见和解决方法。

  • The drop in oil prices suggests that eurozone headline inflation should stay below the zero line until autumn .


  • Zero Line Fault Diagnosis in AC Power Distribution of Ship Power System

    船舶电力系统中交流配电网 线故障的诊断

  • Breakage of zero line and the fault caused by poor contact in three-phase four-wire power supply system are introduced based on the experiences of the three electric power practices .

    通过三例电力现场实践运行经验介绍了三相四线制供配电系统 线断线和接触不良引起的故障现象。

  • Design of Laser Universal Examination and Adjusting Device of Artillery Zero Line Base on Single-chip Control

    基于单片机控制的火炮 线激光通用检校设备的设计

  • Detection Automatic Correction of Phase Line Zero Line Connection of Cable TV Station

    有线电视基站相线和 线的检测与自动矫正

  • In order to protect common zero line from overload or breakdown to cause losses in the lighting electrical design single phase sub loop common zero line is not suitable for adoption .

    为防止共用 线过载或断裂而造成损失,在照明电气设计中,不宜采用单相支路共用零线。

  • The electrification of zero line results from the the potential difference between zero line and the earth .

    线带电现象是指测量点 ,零线与大地之间存在较明显的电位差。