zinc fertilizer

[zɪŋk ˈfɚtlˌaɪzɚ][ziŋk ˈfə:tilaizə]

[化] 锌肥

  • An experiment was conducted in greenhouse to study the effects of zinc fertilizer on maize growth and photosynthetic pigments .

    采用盆栽试验,以黑垆 土壤,研究了 不同 水分 条件施用 对玉米生长及叶片光合色素含量的影响。

  • A field experiment was conducted to study the effects of Zinc fertilizer on corn growth and yield on the light salinized soil of Datong basin .

    在大同盆地轻度盐化土壤上采用小区试验方法,试验研究了玉米施用 营养生长,产量构成因素和产量的影响。

  • Mn Fe contents of celery were also affected by Zinc fertilizer application .

    不同 水平,对芹菜锰、铁含量亦有 不同程度的影响。

  • The results showed that : ( 1 ) The zinc fertilizer through soil application of foliage application had a significant impact on rice yield compared with no zinc fertilization in low Zn available soil .

    取得的主要结果如下:(1)在土壤有效锌低的地区,与不施锌肥(对照)相比, 土壤施用和叶面喷施均能对水稻产量产生影响。

  • The application of molybdenum fertilizer and zinc fertilizer can increase the content of protein fraction and starch components adjust the proportion of protein and starch .

    喷施钼、 还能够增加籽粒蛋白组分和淀粉组分的含量,并调节各种组分的比例。

  • The results showed that zinc has accumulated in soils after continuous application of zinc fertilizer for 17 years .

    结果表明,经过17年连续施用 ,锌在土壤中有明显的累积。

  • When adopted zinc fertilizer its fruit falling rate in both stages of hard fruit stone and lipin formation reduced by 18.5 % and 12.3 % respectively and yield increased 12.1 % ;

    施用 可以降低油橄榄硬核期和油脂形成期的落果率,分别降低18.5%和12.3%,产量增加12.1%;

  • Applying Zinc fertilizer to broccoli increased markly the Zn content in edible organs hence improved the nutritive value of broccoli .

    因此,青花菜上施用 能大大提高青花菜食用器官的含锌量,改善青花菜的营养价值。

  • Effects of zinc fertilizer on maize growth and photosynthetic pigments under drought condition

    干旱条件下 对玉米生长和光合色素的影响

  • Distribution of Nutrient Elements in Soil-Crop System After Long-term Application of Zinc Fertilizer

    长期 土壤&植物系统植物营养元素分布特征

  • Soil application of zinc fertilizer was able to significantly affect rice yield and its composition factors especially the panicle and grain number .

    试验表明, 土壤施用能显著的影响水稻产量及其构成因素,尤其是穗数和穗粒数。

  • In calcareous soils applying phosphorus fertilizer increased the concentration of DTPA-extractable zinc in soil and zinc fertilizer addition increased the concentration of available phosphorus in soil too that is the interaction between phosphorus and zinc in calcareous soils is synergism .

    在石灰性土壤(潮土、褐土)中,正常施肥范围内, 磷肥增加了土壤中DTPA提取态锌含量, 增加了土壤中速效磷的含量,即磷锌有效性呈协同关系。

  • Applying Zinc fertilizer can increase Zinc in the body of celery and provide a carrier for Zinc in the body of people .

    施用 ,使西芹植株体内的锌含量增加,为人体补锌提供了植物载体。

  • Neutral aroma components and flavor quality in flue-cured tobacco leaf in the west of Henan Province under the zinc fertilizer were studied .

    从评吸评价结果看, 促进了豫西烤烟下部和中部叶片香气质量的提高。

  • Therefore it should be noted of iron and Zinc fertilizer in the production .


  • A pot experiment was carried out to study the effect of phosphor and zinc fertilizer applied on chlorophyll contents and SOD activities of maize three-ear-leaves .

    采用盆栽试验,研究了磷 对玉米棒三叶叶绿素含量和超氧化物歧化酶活性的影响。

  • Unde rotation of medium rice and wheat zinc fertilizer could be only applied on rice .

    如果是中稻和小麦轮作,则可以只在水稻上 施用

  • Long-term application of zinc fertilizer also improved the nutrient condition of wheat which accelerated the absorption of zinc by wheat . The zinc contents and uptake amounts in each organ of winter wheat was higher in zinc treatment than that in the control .

    长期施用 改善了小麦的锌营养状况,促进了小麦对锌的吸收,施锌小麦各器官锌含量和吸锌量均高于对照。

  • Effect of Application Quantity with Nitrogen Phosphorus and Zinc Fertilizer on Pasture Plant Yield in Salty Land

    不同氮磷 施肥 水平对盐碱地牧草生物产量的影响

  • Following questions were discussed in this paper : total Zinc in soils the method of extracting soils available Zinc the Critical level of soil available Zinc the Zinc sensitivity of plants the kinds of Zinc fertilizer and the factors of affecting Zinc fertilizer effect .

    本文根据近年来国内外研究报道,讨论了土壤中锌的含量变化及土壤有效态锌的浸提方法、临界值,植物对锌的敏感性, 的种类和发挥锌肥肥效的影响因素。

  • Foliar application 1 % of zinc fertilizer could increase fruit weight by 40.2 % Vc by 20.4 % soluble sugar by 26.7 % and anthocyanin by 75 % respectively in comparison with control treatment .

    喷施1%浓度的 ,株产量比对照增加40.2%,Vc含量提高了20.4%,可溶性糖增加了26.7%,花青苷含量提高了75%。

  • A long-term fixed experiment of application of zinc fertilizer on arid land was conducted to study the distribution of C N P Zn in soil-crop system .

    通过对在黄土高原旱地进行了17年的连续施用 的长期定位试验进行研究,分析了植物营养元素在土壤-植物系统中的分布特征。

  • Moreover the effect of zinc on the yield and quality of tea the nutrition diagnosis of zinc and the technology of applying zinc fertilizer were elaborated .

    文章还阐述了锌对茶叶产量、品质的作用,以及锌的营养诊断与茶园 施用技术。

  • The Effect of the Zinc Fertilizer on Dry Matter Accumulation and the Grain Filling Process of Sunflower


  • Effects of Boron Molybdenum and Zinc Fertilizer Application on the Yield of Alfalfa

    微量 元素 肥料对紫花苜蓿草产量的影响

  • A Study of the Effects of Zinc Fertilizer on Cotton

    棉花 施用 效果研究

  • Effect of long-term applying zinc fertilizer on wheat yield and content of zinc in dryland

    旱地小麦长期施用 的增产作用及土壤效应

  • Under rotation of rice and dry crops zinc fertilizer was better applied on rice .

    在水旱轮作中, 以施在水稻上为好;

  • Spraying molybdenum and zinc fertilizer can regulate the wheat grain protein composition of the content and proportions of the components and starch and its components effectively . 3 .

    喷施钼、 能够有效调节小麦籽粒蛋白组成组分和淀粉及其组分的含量和比例,从而达到改善籽粒品质的目的。

  • Study on the soil conditions for effective application of Zinc fertilizer
