zero state

[ˈzɪro stet][ˈziərəu steit]


  • A tapped inductor was adopted to substitute for the normal inductor so that the circulating current in the zero state could be reset to zero .

    利用耦合电感取代常规滤波电感,耦合电感所感应出的电压通过功率变压器反射回原边,使变换器在 状态时的循环电流减小至零,以实现内管的零电流关断。

  • It drives all three-phase currents in right direction at all times and is good in dynamic response but poor in harmonic characteristics owing to the absence of zero state .

    电流调节△调制方案是 环的,它使得三相电流总是流向正确的方向,具有良好的动态特性,但谐波特性较差;

  • Through the tension-compensation method the shape analysis is carried out so the process to ensure the cable prestress and the forming of zero state are achieved .

    通过张力补偿法对该结构进行了结构形态分析,完成了确定拉索预应力值的过程和 放样 的找形过程分析。

  • Because the whole structure of zero state installation in place the method of using scale of cable so the length of the cables must be precise .

    由于整个结构 状态的安装就位采用定尺的方法,所以斜索的下料必须精确。

  • The improved converter has several advantages over the original one e.g. the clamping diodes conduct only once in a switching period and the resonant inductance current is smaller when in zero state that leads to a higher efficiency and lower duty cycle loss .

    改进后的变换器箝位二极管在一个周期中只导通一次,同时 状态谐振电感电流较小,有利于提高变换器的效率,占空比丢失也减小。

  • The results of XPS show that palladium was almost in zero valence state .

    XPS结果表明,钯几乎全部以 存在。

  • Computation of Initial State and Zero State of Structure Composed of Cables Bars and Beams

    索杆梁结构体系初始状态与 状态的确定

  • The zero stress state of an artery is brought by cutting a ring of the artery radically and then the ring segment springs open into a sector .

    研究了一个新的动脉壁 应力 状态测量方法和动脉壁应变分析方法。

  • A new design of an intelligent recorder for zero sequence state of power network is presented .

    介绍了一种新型智能电网 零序 状态记录仪的设计方法。

  • Based on the zero steady state error control model design results to satisfy frequency domain performance requirements are obtained and the effectiveness of this method is verified by nonlinear simulation of a certain autopilot system .

    在建立了 差控制模型的基础上,获得了满足预定频域指标的设计结果,并通过自动驾驶仪系统的非线性仿真验证了设计方法的有效性。

  • Multiple parallel and pipeline methods are adopted in a bit-plane encoder ( BPE ) with zero state variables ′ storing memory such as dual bit-plane parallel encoding pipeline control in pass scan concurrent state variable ′ s generation circuit and parallel context formation inside a column .

    该编码器采用了双位平面并行编码、通道扫描的流水控制、状态变量实时产生电路以及列内并行上下文生成等技术,实现了一种 0 状态存储器的多并行流水位平面编码器;

  • The integral operator is introduced such that the control system achieves a zero steady state error .

    滑模面中积分算子的引入确保了闭环系统 稳态误差的性能要求。

  • Zero stress state of aorta was observed by measuring the opening angle of aortic rings .

    用测定切开后主动脉环展开角度数的方法对大鼠主动脉 应力 状态进行观察;

  • Also the differences between the finite optimization horizon predictive control with terminal zero state constraints and in finite optimization horizon predictive control are studied and the consistency of the two system 's performance is proved .

    在此基础上,研究了带终端 状态的有限优化时域预测控制和无穷优化时域预测控制的性能,证明了两者在性能上的一致性。

  • By judging whether there exist a reducible structure and zero state structure in a passive network and their positions relative to the input it is possible to decide whether or not there exists the linear correlation state .

    通过判断无源网络中是否存在可约结构和 状态结构及其与输入的相对位置,就可判断出是否存在线性相关状态。

  • This paper introduces the theory and method of analysing zero state response of lineal network by using dynamic signal analyzer .

    本文介绍用动态信号分析仪分析线性网络 状态响应的原理和方法。

  • Prior to performing maintenance verify the necessary system ( s ) have been de-energized ZERO ENERGY STATE ) .

    在进行维修之前,保证必要的系统已断开电源,( 能源 状态)。

  • Based on the conceptions of zero stress state and opening angle proposed by earlier researchers stress distribution in blood vessel wall with inner pressure was investigated numerically .

    利用 应力 状态和张开角的概念,推导受内压的血管壁的内力分布的解析解,并对具体的实例进行计算分析。

  • As the primary current reduces to zero the conduction loss is eliminated during zero state which increases the efficiency .

    由于在 状态中一次电流为零,减小了通态损耗,因此可以提高变换效率。

  • For the case when both junctions are in the zero voltage state while the capacitance and the inductance of both junctions are ignored ( such as superconducting bridge and superconducting point contact ) the exact solution of the equations is obtained .

    当两个弱连接结区处于 电压 状态时,忽略弱连接结区的电容和电感(如超导桥和点接触的情况),得到了该方程组的严格解。

  • In this paper the unit gate function responses of linear systems are studied and the zero state responses of linear systems under typical control inputs are solved by means of Du 's integrals .

    本文在分析计算一阶与二阶系统的单位门函响应的基础上,提出利用杜氏积分求解任意输入下高阶线性系统 状态响应的简捷方法。

  • Convolution integral is a mathematical method applied to calculus the zero state response of continuous-time systems .

    卷积积分是计算连续时间系统 状态响应的数学工具。

  • Instrumental analysis of zero state response of lineal network

    线性网络 状态响应的仪器分析

  • Beam String Structure needs determine the initial geometry in zero state and initial prestressing force distribute geometry before analysing .

    张弦梁在受力分析前需要确定其 状态放样几何及初始预应力分布。

  • There are three states in the analysis and calculation of cable truss such as zero state initial state and working state .

    索桁架的分析和计算,共有三种不同的状态: 状态、初始态、工作状态。

  • In order to prevent the primary current from flowing in the reverse direction during zero state two diodes are added in series with the lagging switches respectively .

    为了使一次电流在 状态减小后不再反方向流动,在两个滞后管中分别串入一个二极管。

  • Then by a decomposition method we proved that every state in the decentralized controllable subspace could be conducted to zero state by time-varying decentralized control which meant that the decentralized controllable subspace had similar property with centralized controllable subspace .

    接着,我们用一种逐步分解逼近的方法证明了分散能控子空间中的每一个 状态都是分散能控的,这说明分散能控子空间和 集中能控子空间有类似的性质。

  • The utility model provides a multi-functional neutral pen which can fluently write under the zero gravity state or when the gravity does not point to the component force of a pen point .

    本实用新型提供一种多功能中性笔,使其在 失重 状态或重力无指向笔尖分力时也可流利书写。

  • Reciprocity and unitarity of non-loss linear networks in zero state

    线性无耗 状态网络的互易性和幺正性

  • On the basis of the mentioned work adopting input-output accurate linearization in nonlinear control theory the global linear model is achieved by nonlinear state feedback transforming and the stability of it 's zero dynamic state is analyzed .

    在此基础上,采用非线性控制理论中的输入/输出精确线性化方法,通过非线性状态反馈变换获得了全局线性化模型,并对系统 动态稳定性进行了分析。