zero gravity

[ˈzɪro ˈɡrævɪti][ˈziərəu ˈɡræviti]


  • The relations between the pictures and 9 earthquakes Ms > 5.0 which occurred in and around the area during the measurement period are studied too . The earthquakes occurred nearby the zero lines of gravity anomalies .

    测区及其周边共发生了9次Ms>5.0级地震,地震发生在 正负异常区变换 线附近;

  • In zero gravity there is no force causing the air bubbles to detach from the chip .


  • Hawking 65 who has Lou Gehrig 's disease will be the first person with a disability to fly on the one of the flights offered by Zero Gravity Corp. a space tourism company .

    六十五岁的霍金患上了肌萎缩性侧索硬化症,将成为第一位带有残疾的人参加由太空旅行公司, 重力公司的飞行。

  • Experimental microgravity system for zero gravity airplane

    基于 失重飞机的微重力科学实验系统

  • Zero Gravity Operation System Based on Fuzzy Control

    基于Fuuzy控制的 重力操作系统

  • The automatic Burris metal Zero - length spring gravity meter

    贝尔雷斯金属 长弹簧自动 重力

  • And make discoveries here in zero gravity


  • Introduced the component architecture design driving mode modeling and simulation of zero gravity operation system designed the control system .


  • The utility model provides a multi-functional neutral pen which can fluently write under the zero gravity state or when the gravity does not point to the component force of a pen point .

    本实用新型提供一种多功能中性笔,使其在 失重状态或重力无指向笔尖分力时也可流利书写。

  • The multi-functional neutral pen integrates normal writing supineness writing and writing in the zero gravity sate and brings great convenience to users .

    本实用新型,集正常书写、仰卧书写和 失重状态下书写多功能于一笔,会给使用者带来很大方便。

  • There 's no sense of time with you and I It 's zero gravity .

    没有感觉的时间与你和我,它的 重力状态。

  • OK so being in zero gravity .

    好,就说说(第一个梦想)体验 重力吧。

  • Despite the buzz surrounding White Knight Two 's debut significant hurdles remain before customers can experience zero gravity for $ 200 a ticket .

    尽管“白骑士2号”火爆亮相,但要让乘客拿到一张20万美金的、能享受 重力太空旅行的机票,还有不少困难。

  • The world just disappears when you 're here It 's zero gravity .

    每当你来到身旁,世界就一下消失,这就是 失重的感觉。

  • Intelligence Assist Device ( IAD ) is a kind of passive special manipulator which can cooperate with operators in the same workspace . Zero gravity operation is one of the key technique of it .

    智能辅助设备(IAD)是一种被动式、可与操作者在一个作业空间实现人机合作作业的特种机器人, 重力操作是它的关键技术之一。

  • Will you feel faint in the state of zero gravity ? What actions can you do ?


  • Bordering on zero allowance casting technique is the trump card for foundry to compete with forging powder metallurgy and plastic forming and volatile pattern process and reverse gravity mold-filling will play an important role in this aspect .

    余量铸造技术是铸造与锻造、粉末冶金、塑料成形等行业竞争的王牌,在这方面气化模和反 重力充型方法起重要作用;

  • It is known from the 1 ∶ 1 000 000 10 ′× 15 ′ average isostatic gravity map that the northwestern Hunan area assumes gravity high and the other vast areas are basically characterized by zero isostatic anomaly if the local gravity low corresponding to granite is eliminated .

    由湖南省1∶100万10′×15′平均均衡重力异常图知,湘西北地区呈重力高;除此以外的广大地区,当消除花岗岩对应的局部 重力低外,均衡异常基本呈 零值特征。

  • Yes but weightlessness and zero gravity are two different things .

    是的,但失重和 重力是两件不同的事。

  • The paper positively surveys classical studies objects recognition and motor imagery of mental rotation and explores cognitive mechanisms of mental rotation in the perspective of neural workings sex differences plasticity and zero gravity .

    文章结合实证研究,阐述了相关心理旋转的经典性研究、客体再认研究和动力表征研究,并从神经机制、性别差异、可塑性及 失重条件等几个方面着重探讨了心理旋转的认知机制。

  • He played for the London jets zero gravity football team .

    他是伦敦喷气机 重力足球队的球员。

  • Based on analyzing the system construct mathematics model of the zero gravity operation system is established .

    在分析系统结构的基础上,建立了 重力操作系统(包括 电机摩擦力 在内)的数学模型。

  • Using Rayleigh-Ritz method this paper investigated the free oscillation of a liquid drop in zero gravity environment and presented the natural frequencies a.

    用瑞利-里兹法研究了 失重液滴的自由晃动问题,给出了液滴自由晃动的频率和模态函数。

  • After being exposed to cosmic radiation and zero gravity some seeds may mutate and produce higher yields and improved quality when planted back on earth scientists said .

    科学家介绍,在宇宙辐射和 失重环境下,有些种子可能会发生变异,这些变异种种植到地球上后,能培育出高产优质的新品种。

  • Currently there 's a problem with zero gravity simulation - simply select a very small gravity until this is fixed .

    现在有 重力的模拟问题-简单地选择一个很小的重力到固定为止。

  • It allows you to take the unordered thoughts floating around your head like lost puppies in zero gravity and turn them into ordered plans and actions .

    它让你将那些像失去 地心 引力的小狗一样凌乱地漂浮在你脑中的思绪重新变成有序的计划和行动。

  • Computation of cryogenic propellant discharge under zero gravity conditions


  • He said that astronauts returning from the zero gravity of space often have trouble with balance .

    他告诉我们,宇航员适应了太空的 微重力环境,回到地球后平衡感会出现问题。

  • Audiences will travel the space station 350 kilo away from the earth with the film and experience the life below zero gravity by themselves with the astronauts .

    影片将把你带到离地球350公里远的国际空间站里,与航天员们一起亲身体验 重力下的生活。