


  • And after embracing the ever zealous and faithful Pross who lifted her ;

    他拥抱了永远 热情忠诚的普洛丝,是普洛丝抱起小露西给他亲的。

  • He was a zealous anti-smoker .

    他是个 热心反对吸烟的人。

  • He was a recent Catholic convert and very zealous .

    他最近才皈依天主教,是一名 狂热 信徒

  • She was a zealous worker for charitable bodies

    她对慈善事业 充满 热忱

  • Her beauty drew many zealous suitors who pursued her relentlessly .

    她的丽姿引来了无数 狂热的求婚者坚持不懈地寻求她。

  • It was thanks to a zealous member of the public that the bomb was discovered before it went off .

    多亏了公众中的一名 热心 ,炸弹在爆炸前被发现了。

  • With superior quality reasonable price and zealous service we gain trust and support from customers .

    自建 以来,我们以精良的品质,合理的价格, 热诚的服务 客户的信赖和支持。

  • One who is extremely zealous skillful or diligent .

    特别 热情,熟练或勤奋的人。

  • And who is he that can hurt you if you be zealous of good ?

    如果你们 热心 行善,谁能加害你们呢?

  • Intensely zealous or fervid .

    强烈的 热心或者热情。

  • I should be under zealous ?

    我不应该 热心吗?

  • As many as I love I reprove and discipline ; be zealous therefore and repent .

    19凡我所爱的,我就责备管教;所以你要 热心,也要悔改。

  • His zealous but long speech made us yawn .


  • He has remained a zealous supporter of the government 's policies .

    他仍然是政府政策的 热心支持者。

  • He was affectionate and magnanimous pious and austere in the practice of his religion brave zealous and above reproach in his personal and family conduct .

    他深情和大度,虔诚和简朴的实践中,他的宗教,勇敢, 热情,并无可指责在他的个人和家庭的行为。

  • This zealous attempt to identify the American voice in fiction can lead to distortion .

    这种试图证明小说中具有美国之音的 积极尝试可能导致一种曲解。

  • 185 . The zealous dealer has an ideal idea of dealing with the meal .

    185. 热心的商人有一个处理膳食的理想主意。

  • My brother is a zealous cager .

    我的哥哥是一个 积极进取的队员。

  • Often a convert is zealous not through piety but because of the novelty of his experience .

    改变信仰 之所以常常 显得 热情,并非 出自虔诚,而是由于他的体验新鲜之

  • The Lord is zealous to meet our eternal needs with his love !


  • He is a zealous supporter of our cause .

    他是我们事业的 热心支持者。

  • Politically she was very zealous .

    她对政治很 热心

  • Zealous in devotion or affection .


  • Wang said wealthy parents especially have become more zealous about getting their children admitted to US .

    王老师说富人孩子的父母对于让自己孩子去美国大学深造变得更加 热情

  • Those whom I love I reprove and discipline ; therefore be zealous and repent .

    启3:19凡我所疼爱的、就责备管教他.以你要 热心、要悔改。

  • They have been extremely zealous in their attempts to get smoking banned in their office .

    他们极其 积极 试图在办公室里禁烟。

  • The children made zealous efforts to clean up the house for the Christmas party .

    孩子们为了迎接圣诞晚会 非常 热心 努力打扫房屋。

  • The problem is that some zealous practitioners assume this can tell us what people should do .

    问题在于,一些 狂热的心理医生以为, 心理学可以告诉人们应该怎么做。

  • She is a zealous reformer and dreams to change the world .

    她是一个 激情的改革者,梦想可改变这世界。