third ear

[θə:d ɪr][θɜ:d iə]

[法] 告密者

  • In fact there is the possibility for a third level of indirection as you can map resources at the EAR level as well .

    实际上,当您在 EAR级别上映射资源时,可能还存在 级别的间接寻址。

  • The first second and third immunity were though in-skin multi-spots interval injection the fourth and the fifth immunity through ear vein injection .

    利用分离纯化得到的蔗糖合成酶作为抗原,第一、二、 免通过皮内多位点分次注射法免疫新西兰大白兔,第四、第五免疫通过 缘静脉注射。

  • A third way that you can use Utility JARs in an EAR project is to import them as linked resources .

    种利用UtilityJARs优势的方法是在一个 EAR项目中将它们作为链接的资源而导入。

  • Both the chlorophyll content photosynthetic rate the MDA content and the catalase ( CAT ) activities of the fiag leaf are under the second leaf and the third leaf showed that excessive ear removal accelerated flag leaf senescence . 3 .

    旗叶的叶绿素含量、丙二醛含量、CAT活性均低于倒二叶和倒 三叶,表明过度 库处理引起旗叶早衰。

  • Third today 's ear pickle than before although there are a lot of progress .

    、如今的 耳塞咸菜虽然比以前的有不少进步。