


  • It is thoughtless of you to do so .

    你这样做, 懂事

  • It was thoughtless of you to forget your sister 's birthday .


  • It was very thoughtless of you to keep her waiting so long .

    你让她等那么久也太 体谅 了。

  • Before ten years I am still a little thoughtless girl .

    在十年之前,我还是一个不 懂事的小女孩。

  • She didn 't dare to do anything thoughtless otherwise she would lose her second son .

    她不敢做任何 轻率的事情,否则她将失去第二个儿子。

  • It was thoughtless of her to mention it

    她提起这事有些 考虑

  • I 'm sorry-what I said was very thoughtless .

    对不起,我说话太 考虑了。

  • That is a thoughtless irresponsible step .

    这是 轻率和不负责任的一步。

  • How thoughtless and cruel of me !

    这话 冒失残忍了!

  • Well really how thoughtless of him !

    哎,他真是太 轻率了!

  • Your thoughtless behaviour has caused us all a great deal of distress .

    你的 轻率行为给 大家带来了极大的苦难。

  • Thoughtful men ought not to be thoughtless about the drought .

    体贴的人不应该对干旱 考虑

  • How thoughtless he is !


  • I wonder why you are so thoughtless of others .

    我很奇怪你为何如此 别人 着想

  • A man with a wife and children can 't afford to be thoughtless of the future .

    一个有妻子 儿女的人不可能不 考虑到未来。

  • He said I was stupid and thoughtless and I don 't know what .

    他说我是个笨蛋, 没有 头脑,还说了些别的什么。

  • Carol : Mike sometimes you can be so thoughtless in what you say .

    卡罗尔:迈克,你说话的时候,请你 脑子

  • Mr treatment of you was thoughtless inexcusable !

    以前对你的 态度 轻率的,不可宽恕的。

  • Moreover a thoughtless act or remark can spoil a perfect relationship .

    此外, 欠缺 考虑的行动或言论也可能破坏完美的关系。

  • It was just a thoughtless remark .

    那不过是一句 考虑的话。

  • This is because there are many careless and thoughtless people .

    这是因为很多粗心与 做事 考虑的人。

  • She forgave him his thoughtless remark .

    她原谅了他 轻率的话。

  • How very thoughtless . I 'll give him a piece of my mind .

    真是 头脑了,我要告诉他我很 生气

  • Nothing worth eating or drinking should be dispatched with such insane thoughtless haste .

    如此匆忙, 不加思索的吃法,所有的美食和饮料都失去它们的价值了。

  • It was very thoughtless of me I shall have left you a message .


  • How thoughtless how foolish I have sometimes been .

    有时候我是多么的愚昧和 头脑

  • You 're being thoughtless because of your emotions !

    你现在因为情绪激动而 有些 考虑

  • She 's not intentionally unkind & she 's just a little thoughtless sometimes .

    她不是故意不友好,只是有时有点 粗心

  • A few thoughtless people commented on his absence .

    有几个 头脑的人谈到了他的旷工。