



  • He 's a thoroughbred boxer with an outstanding pedigree . having a list of ancestors as proof of being a purebred animal .

    有血统表证明是 纯种动物。

  • This daughter of the shadows was thoroughbred .

    这位 出自 幽谷 姑娘 根基

  • The modern-day dressage horse is definitely of the lighter type with more thoroughbred breeding within its pedigree .

    现代的盛装舞步马匹大多属于轻巧型,具备其自身家族谱系的 纯种血统。

  • The85-day-old 5.5-inch-long colt was removed postmortem and preserved in formaldehyde after its mother a Thoroughbred died .

    在它的母亲&一 良种马死后,这个85天大、5.5英寸长的小马于尸检后被保存到甲醛中。

  • Thoroughbred horses are highly-strung animals and do not like loud noises or sudden movements .


  • A thoroughBred champion in comBination of maturity delicacy and finesse

    集成熟、精致和技巧于一体的 优秀冠军

  • A noted center for the raising of thoroughbred horses it was named in1775 after the Battle of Lexington . Population 204 .

    该市是著名的良 种马饲养中心,1775年以莱克星顿战役命名。

  • Thoroughbred breeding has made a great impact in canine breeding because of the revolutionary and exciting new insights gained by the genetics experts in thoroughbreds .

    因为通过遗传学家在纯种犬繁殖的创新以及很有独特新的见解下, 纯种犬的繁殖已经给犬业的繁殖中造成了很大的冲击。

  • Thoroughbred subsidies should be increased the scope of thoroughbred subsidies and the varieties of subsidies . Appropriate can increase the thoroughbred of economic crop and strength to the guidance of farmers buy seeds .


  • Ben Schwartzwalder : Gentlemen when you have a thoroughbred you do not lock him in the barn .

    本教练:先生们,如果你们有 种马,你们是不会把它拴在马厩里的。

  • They have influenced many other horse breeds including the Thoroughbred horse .

    他们影响了许多其他的马品种,包括 纯血马

  • He 's riding a thoroughbred ( horse ) .

    他骑的是一 种马

  • The comparison United 's supporters prefer is with Duncan Edwards a pure thoroughbred who would glide upfield with colossal intent before the Munich air disaster claimed his life .

    曼联球迷喜欢的比较是邓肯。 爱德华兹,他在慕尼黑空难之前也展现了伟大的天赋。

  • He 's a spectacular player a real thoroughbred enthused Maradona who made a point of congratulating the youngster after he scored the gold-medal clinching goal in the final against Nigeria .

    “他是一个不可思议的球员,一个真正的 天才”,当马拉多纳观看了他在决赛中战胜尼日利亚获得奥运金牌,这样祝贺这位年轻新星。

  • The dog is a real thoroughbred .

    这条狗是真正的 纯种

  • Talk about our view : Respect of1 genetic breeding makes full use of the aspic essence hybridization of thoroughbred ox.

    谈谈我们的看法:1遗传育种方面充分利用 良种公牛的冻精配种。

  • But they knew instinctively as they knew thoroughbred horses from scrubs that he was not of their class .

    不过她们也很清楚,就像她们分得 种马和劣等马一样,他决不是她们这个阶级的人。

  • In the same way the children will not easily fail to be thoroughbred because they have never seen or heard their parents do or say an ignoble thing .

    同样,有些孩子变得很有 教养并不难,因为他们从来没有看到父母做不 体面的事或说不体面的话。

  • Markham preferred the English Thoroughbred first among all breeds of horses ;

    马卡姆首选的英国 纯种马之间的所有品种之首;

  • Josie : that 's not surprising because it 's not a thoroughbred it 's a mongrel .

    卓喜:那不奇怪啊,因为它不是 纯种 ,是混种的。

  • The dream of every lad that ever threw a leg over a thoroughbred and the goal of all horsemen .

    每一个青年的梦想!所有 赛马人的目标!

  • Haemoglobin polymorphism of175 thoroughbred foals in China was examined by agarose gel isoelectric focusing .

    采用等电聚焦电泳对175 中国 纯血马幼驹进行了血红蛋白多态性的检测。

  • Sequence Comparing of mtDNA D-Loop Varied Region in Chinese Mongolian Horse and External Thoroughbred Horse

    中国蒙古马与国外 纯血马mtDNAD-Loop高变区序列比较

  • Usain Bolt roared out of the blocks accelerating like a thoroughbred .

    乌塞恩·博尔特吼着冲出起跑线,加速 飞跑就像一 骏马

  • Analysis of population genetics suggested that the frequency of A allele was dominant among the studied breeds except thoroughbred horse .

    群体遗传学分析结果表明:除 纯血马外,其余品种都是等位基因A为优势基因;

  • Comparative studies on blood biochemical index of serum between Mongolian horse and thoroughbred

    蒙古马与 纯血马血液生化指标的比较研究

  • Genetic Analysis of Haemoglobin Polymorphism in China Thoroughbred Horses

    中国 纯血马血红蛋白多态性的遗传分析

  • Improve the yield of rice is the most effective to accelerate thoroughbred breed promotion and application .

    提高水稻单产最有效的是加快 良种培育、推广和应用。

  • According to the characteristic and otherness of difference thoroughbred tea trees based on the experiment constituted the picked level picked and process technology about big and be hit by thoroughbred famous fine tea and small be hit by thoroughbred famous fine tea .

    依据大、中叶类良种茶树和中、 小叶 良种茶树的特点和差异性,在实验研究的基础上,文章探讨了不同良种名优茶的采摘标准、采摘技术及加工技术。

  • He is a thoroughbred Japanese yakuza .

    他是 受过 训练的日本瘪三。