
[法] 威胁者,恐吓者

  • The Unfortunate is threatened in some way by the Threatener and is saved by the Rescuer .

    在某些情况 威胁 的威胁 引发的不幸,被救助者解救。

  • The text analyzes the outside chance and threatener as well as inside advantage and inferior of Guiyang branch company under a new situation of telecom recombination according to the stratagem theory .

    本文依据战略理论详细分析了在当前电信重组的新形势下铁通贵阳分公司外部的机会与 威胁自身 具有的优势、劣势。

  • With the flooding of hacker and virus at Internet the increasingly serious threatener of information terror and cyber crime traditional network security products cannot satisfy information security requirements .

    互联网上黑客病毒泛滥,信息恐怖、计算机犯罪 威胁日益严重, 仅仅 运用传统网络安全产品已经无法满足信息安全的需求。