three market

[θri ˈmɑrkɪt][θri: ˈmɑ:kit]


  • The paper draws references from the relative research methods of the multinational corporation market entering theory and industrial organization theory and designs three possible market entering ways : agent sale technology and production permit direct invest for X Group .

    本论文借鉴跨国公司的市场进入理论及产业组织理论的相关研究方法,为X集团进入西南地区专用车 市场设定了 可能的 市场进入方式:代理销售、技术与生产许可转让和直接投资。

  • Something else . You 'll have to forward us every three months a market report on our products .

    还有,你方必须每隔 个月就我们的产品销售情况向我方提交一份 市场报告。

  • In this paper three market occupancy rate models were built by using probability transfer matrix method of Markov chain . Several examples were given to explain the models .

    本文使用马尔科夫链的概率转移矩阵的方法,建立了 信用市场占有率的预测模型,并给出了一些事例论证。

  • There is a completely new separation of concerns among the three market layers

    有一种全新的分级方式将对于 市场中分为 不同级别

  • They are frequently subdivided into three parts-the bond market the mortgage market and the stock market .

    该市场还可 再分为债券

  • Each tourists source market has three grades-core market basic market and chance market .

    各市场分为 等级:核心 市场、基本市场和机会市场。

  • But a second-magnitude Seiberling Charles had a mansion and three acres on Market Street right opposite our Orchard Road .

    但是塞伯林家族的第二号人物查尔斯(Charles)只有一座占地 3英亩的公馆,位于果园路对面的 市场街。

  • Therefore there is a need to analyze tax burden under differentiated tax rate under three market conditions namely perfect competition monopoly and oligopoly .

    为此,有必要对在完全竞争、垄断和寡头 市场情形时,有差异税率条件下的税收归宿问题进行研究。

  • Industrial recoveries also managed to deliver three significant bear market rallies in Japan in the 1990s in spite of pressure on bank balance sheets and a decade of property price falls .

    上世纪90年代,尽管面临银行资产负债表的压力,房地产价格也经历了10年的下跌,但日本工业库存重建还是成功实现了 3波大级别的 熊市反弹。

  • Chongqing said it would charge a tax of 0.5 per cent of the property value for houses between two and three times the market average and 1 per cent for properties more than three times the average .

    重庆市表示,将对两倍至 倍于 市场平均价值的房产征收0.5%的房产税,对超过三倍 市场均值的房产征收1%。

  • Yet there have since been three bear market rallies .

    然而,自此之后出现了 熊市反弹”。

  • Three Principles Market Supervision of Financial Derivatives Must Follow

    金融衍生品 市场监管需遵循 原则

  • Meanwhile further development of two and three housing market .

    同时,进一步发展住房二级和 市场

  • Unusually much of the trading in recent weeks has focused on short term forwards from one to three months as market participants bet on the prospects of an imminent revaluation .

    不同寻常的是,最近几周的大部分交易都集中于期限较短的远期交易(期限从1个月至 3 月不等),这表明 市场参与者在押注人民币升值迫在眉睫。

  • In2007 White has called the world 's largest commodity market Yiwu International Trade City and the three commodity market with shops welcome to the new and old customers to buy wholesale .

    公司于2007年入主有全世界最大小商品市场之称的“义乌国际商贸城”,并在 期日用品 市场设有店铺,欢迎各位新老客户来选购、批发。

  • A constitutional change would raise the possibility of three types of market risk : currency risk government credit risk and the credit risk associated with financial institutions .

    苏格兰身份的改变可能导致 市场风险:货币风险,政府信用风险,与金融机构有关的信用风险。

  • We will analyze the behavior of the two competing match-makers by investigating the existence of the dominant-firm equilibrium under three different market structures .

    我们通过考察 市场结构中的在位厂商均衡的存在性来来分析中介人的竞争行为。

  • Viagra is just another pill in the medicine cabinet these days one of three on the market to treat the once all-but-unmentionable problem of erectile dysfunction .

    目前已经 上市用于治疗曾经羞于出口的疾病&勃起功能障碍的药物已经有 ,伟哥作为其中之一,现在也只不过是药柜中的一种不同药物而已。

  • The US and three big emerging market countries have bolstered hopes for a global climate change deal this year by unveiling fresh plans to curb greenhouse gas emissions .

    美国和 大新兴 市场国家公布了限制温室气体排放的最新计划,从而增强了在今年达成一项全球气候变化协议的希望。

  • The reason could be analyzed from three aspects of market culture and society system recognization .

    它产生的原因,可以从 市场 因素、文化因素和社会体系认可 方面来阐述。

  • The standards competition is embodied by the competition among standardizing products in essence . The static competition of standards with perfect information may accrue three market structures : market non-existing or standards co-existing or one standard monopolizing .

    完全信息静态标准竞争可能产生 市场格局:技术标准市场不存在、个体标准并存、强势标准阻止弱势标准进入。

  • To avoid capital real estate the three major car market ups and downs is to maintain stable and rapid economic growth in the key .

    避免资本、房地产、汽车 市场的大起大落,是保持经济平稳较快增长的关键。

  • It was well-received in all markets so a gain of three market share points can be expected .

    这在所有市场销售良好,所以获得 成的 市场占有率是指日可待的。

  • The decisions of the Big Three catalyze market moves in often unpredictable ways creating a strong ripple effect .

    大公司的决定往往会催化 市场产生一些难以预料的波动,产生很大的涟漪效应。

  • The market of water right can be shaped to three degrees market according to the portrait movement of the transition of water right . In different market the ways that the water right price forms are different .

    根据水权转换的纵向运动,水权 市场可以划分为 等级的市场,不同水权市场上水权转让价格的确定方式不一,并建立了水权价格的一般模型。