this day month

[ðɪs de mʌnθ][ðis dei mʌnθ]

下个月的今天, 上个月的今天

  • He did this on the first day of the Hebrew month that corresponds with April .

    这样做的第一 ,希伯来语对应 月份与去年同月。

  • At last I have to say this Children 's Day next month is my last Children 's Day .

    最后,我不得不 讲讲我最后 个儿童

  • In this common situation an empty partition needs to be added to the table before the start of a month and data is added each day of the month .

    这种情况下,在一个月开始之前,即这个 还没有开始 每天添加数据之前,需要为这个表添加一个空白的分区。

  • And this house was finished on the third day of the month Adar which was in the sixth year of the reign of Darius the king .

    大流士王第六年,亚达 初三 殿修成了。

  • This day is not valid for the month ( s ) selected so the task will not run .

    设置对于所选 月份不适用,因此任务将不会在所选 月份运行。

  • This isn 't a correct day for this month and year .

    对于该 月份和年份, 日期不正确。

  • Again you can accept this information in many ways but for the first five fields ( day month year hour minute ) you ultimately need to capture numeric information .

    同样,我们可以 采用多种方法接收信息。但是对于前5个字段( 、年、小时、分钟),我们最终需要获取的是数字信息。

  • This page displays the shared processor pool usage for570-1 over the last day week month and year .

    这个页面显示570-1在前一 、前一周、前 一月和前一年的共享处理器池使用情况。

  • Some people definitely do not think this goes far enough and on opening day of the Legislature last month they demanded new laws making it legal to carry handguns in the open preferably without a license .

    显然有人觉得 还不够,他们在 上月的议会开放 上要求通过新的法律,让他们可以合法公开携带手枪,最好是不用持枪证。

  • We shall make an expedition to the source of the Yellow River this day next month .

    下月 今天我们将到黄河的发源地去探险。

  • M ethod : 1 8 patients were injected this injection twice a day for one month .

    方法:18例(AD)患者给予氢溴酸加兰他敏肌注治疗, 每日2次,疗程1

  • In this instance each record contains the month day of month time IP address of the system making the network connection followed by the Korn Shell audit information previously described .

    这个示例中,每个记录包含月份、 日期、时间、建立网络连接的系统的IP地址,然后是Kornshell审计信息。

  • This certification is valid from ( Month )( Day )( Year ) to ( Month )( Day )( Year ) .

    证明表自年月 年月日有效。

  • And this festival falls on the ninth day of the ninth lunar month .

    这个节日正好在 农历的九月九

  • This is my30 day chart a summary of a month .

    是我 每天30张图,一个 的总结。

  • This colourful festival of Hindus celebrated on the full moon day in the month of Phalguna heralds the advent of spring .

    这个五彩缤纷的印度教节日,在颇勒窭努 (译者注: 公历 23 间)的望月 庆祝,它预示着春天即将到来。

  • This Convention enters into force on the first day of the month following the expiration of one year from the date of deposit of the20th instrument of ratification acceptance approval or accession .

    公约自第二十份批准书、接受书、认可书或加入书交存之日起满一年后的 第一 生效。

  • This monthly figure is available on the last business day of the month and has low volatility .

    通常, 这个数字在 每月的最后一个工作 公布。

  • This layer consists of a dynamically generated XML specification based on input parameters of the day month and year .

    一层包括基于输入参数( 日期月份和年)自动生成的XML规范。

  • In the news of this day president Obama will travel to Egypt next month to give a speech for the muslim world .

    下月奥巴马总统 开始 他的埃及之行,并在穆斯林国家发表演讲。

  • If this loan had called for the accrued interest to be paid on the last day of each month SW 's balance sheets would include no liability for accrued interest payable .

    如果 项贷款要求在 每月的最后 支付利息,太阳风公司的资产负债表中将不包括应计利息的负债。

  • NIV w_392 This happened on the thirteenth day of the month of Adar and on the fourteenth they rested and made it a day of feasting and joy .

    17和合w_424亚达 十三 ,行了 这事;十四日安息,以这日为设筵欢乐的日子。

  • This year World Habitat Day falls during the month when demographers predict our planet 's seven billionth inhabitant will be born .

    今年,在世界人居 所在的这个 ,据人口学家预言,将诞生我们星球上第70亿个居民。