this is true of


  • This is true of the techniques of mankind . It is also true of mankind 's spiritual resources .

    人类技术的发展 如此,人类精神财富的积累也是如此。

  • This is true of almost all aerosol propellants .

    几乎所有的气雾剂推进剂都 这样

  • And this is true of everyone 's life ; good begets good and evil leads to evil .

    善有善报,恶有恶报, 一个不争的 事实

  • This combined approach also offered ITB a quick route into image enhancement and this is true of many other marketing partnership deals .

    这个合并方法也给ITB提供 一个增强形象的快速途径,而且 确实 其他许多市场的合作协议。

  • This is true of so many villages in China .

    知道,中国的很多农村 同样 如此

  • This is true of final static and static final fields too .

    staticfinal域变量性能更优 确实的。

  • The more you practice the more confident you become . This is true of every type of skill .

    实践的越多就越自信。 对于每一种技能 来说 如此

  • This is true of both economic crimes and violent crimes such as robbery and murder .

    经济犯罪活动 这样,对抢劫、杀人等犯罪活动也是这样。

  • This is true of many of the present luxuries including mobile phones cars computers and many other things .

    目前的奢侈品,包括移动电话,汽车,电脑和其他许多许多事情 的。

  • This is true of me and it is true of each of you .

    我是这样,你们每个人都 这样

  • This is true of most cities .

    大部分城市都 如此

  • And this is true of the bond between these four girls .

    而剧中四个女孩间的友情 便 如此

  • Student : Yes what he says is that some people would never have fallen in love if they had not heard about it And you say in a sense you think this is true of everyone .

    学生,是的,他说的是,有些人永远不会坠入爱河,如果,他们从未听过它,你说某种意义上来说, 所有人都 适用

  • Most people regard crocodiles as more aggressive than alligators and this is true of some species .

    大多数人关于鳄鱼的鳄鱼相比更积极, 真正的某些物种。

  • This is true of France Germany and Spain where discipline and respect for the teacher is considered very important .

    法国、德国和西班牙的情况 也是 如此,在 这些方面,遵守纪律和尊敬老师被认为是非常重要的。

  • Let 's suppose that this is true of all of us or at least most of us .

    我们假设 对我们或者我们中大部分来说 的。

  • That this is true of emerging countries seems plausible .


  • While this is true of some it is not true of all .

    部分 如此,但不见得全部如此。

  • This is true of real house prices inflation interest rates and debt ( see chart ) .

    实际房价、通胀率、利率和债务来看, 情况 的确 如此(参见图表)。

  • This is true of the working people as well as of the great statesmen and great thinkers in our history .

    我国历代的劳动人民以及大政治家、大思想家等等都莫不 如此

  • This is true of individuals and no less true of factories and other units of production .

    个人 这样,工厂和其他生产单位 也是 这样

  • This is true of the private sector and even more so of the public sector .

    私人部门 如此,公共部门更 如此

  • This is true of the by now classic answers to a 1929 problem .

    如今的“1929年”问题经典对策 就是 如此

  • Anyone who 's read Fever Pitch by Nick Hornby knows that this is true of the ardent Arsenal fan .

    凡读过尼克?霍恩比的《极度兴奋》的人都知道,阿森纳的足球迷 如此

  • This is true of continental Europe notably German companies .

    欧洲大陆 就是 如此,尤其是德国公司。

  • This is true of the business context as well as the implementation and execution environments .

    其中 包括业务上下文以及实现和执行环境。

  • This is true of all the elements .

    这种(无技巧)对于其他元素 也是 如此

  • I accept that the romance may have gone out of the marriage but surely this is true of many couples

    我同意婚姻里可能已经没有了浪漫这 说法,而且很多夫妻都 的确 如此

  • This is true of a doctor a teacher a worker or whatever .


  • The researchers said theirs is the first to show this is true of latent TB as well .

    研究人员称,他们的研究首次显示该结果, 同样 适用 潜伏性结核感染。