three-level structure


  • Research on the three-level hierarchical network structure based on the middleware technique and its application

    基于中间件技术的 网络 结构的研究与应用

  • After thorough analysis and careful comparison the three-level NPC ( neutral point clamped ) structure is chosen as the converter topology structure according to the actual situations of this project and the current development of power electronics .

    并通过分析比较,结合项目的实际情况和当前电力电子器件的发展 水平,选定了中性点钳位(NPC) 电平 结构作为变频器的拓扑结构。改善了高压变频器保护方案。

  • Third three orders ; Analysis of Application Architecture and Application of Three-Level Structure

    第三,三个级;应用程序体系结构分析及 结构的应用

  • Through the model divided into two levels included by two forms and devoted by three-level frame structure the system completes feature information modeling adapting to decision-maker 's decision and judgment style .

    提出将模型分为两种级别、两种形式以及采用 框架 结构的特征模型表示方法,从而实现系统根据决策者各自决策风格和判断进行特征信息建模。

  • This paper describes the mechanism features and representation forms analyses the advantages of the three-level structure over the two-level structure and introduces the solution scheme of the microsoft-Windows DNA .

    文章介绍了三层C/S结构的机理、特点和表现形式,经分析认为 结构比两层结构具有更好的性能,重点介绍了微软的解决方案&WindowSDNA。

  • In the system all parts employs three-level structure based on the B / S Model cuts down the costs strengthens the safety of the system improve the response rate of the system .

    系统中各模块均采用基于浏览器/服务器(B/S)模式的 结构,降低了使用成本,增强了系统安全性,提高了系统响应速度。

  • The industry capital management platform is designed into three-level of internet system so as database structure .

    将行业固定资产管理平台设计为 3 网络系统和 3 数据库 结构

  • Object-oriented method and three-level structure are imported into the design . The popular Microsoft . net Framework is applied in the development .

    在软件设计中,采用面向对象的设计方法与 体系 结构;在软件开发中应用当前流行的微软.netFramework框架。

  • Combinig the strategies of costate prediction approach by Hassan and Singh and the time-delay coordination algorithm by Tamura the variable prediction-time decomposition technique is put forward . Using the technique the nonlinear three-level hierarchical optimization structure is formulated .

    文中将Hassan共态预测法和Tamura时延算法的主要思想相结合,提出和使用了预测变量一时间分解方法,导出了非线性 递阶优化 结构

  • A Three-level Analysis on the Structure of Village Power & Also on the Post-election Legitimacy of Village Power

    村庄权力 结构 分析&兼论选举后村级权力的合法性

  • Research on Operation Characteristics of the Three-level Zero-Current-Switch Charging Structure

    三电平ZCS充电 结构的工作特性研究

  • Three-Level C / S Structure Mechanism and Solution Scheme Microsoft Windows DNA

    C/S 结构机理及微软的解决方案&WindowSDNA

  • The 2048-element CCPD to be butted uses three-phase three-level polysilicon overlapping gate buried channel structure .

    用于拼接的2048位CCPD是采用埋沟三相 多晶硅交迭栅埋沟 结构

  • The whole system is based on the CAWS series automatic weather stations adopting mainly the wireless communication approach supplemented by cable . The system function design was realized though the three-level C / S structure and the B / S structure .

    该系统采用CAWS系列自动气象站作为研究对象,通讯方式采用以无线为主有线为辅的新型通讯传输,利用 3 C/S 结构和B/S结构相结合的方式实现功能设计;

  • Which implemented immediately on hardware design of electronic ballast for HID lamps for three-level structure and testing the work waveforms of the main parts . Experimental results show that the three-tier structure has reached a design of electronic ballast requirements .

    实现了立即亮HID灯 结构电子镇流器的硬件设计过程,并测试得出了主要部分的工作波形,实验结果表明三级结构电子镇流器已经达到了设计要求。

  • The designed system includes nodes in three-level structure : main controller group controllers and switch nodes .

    整个系统采用主控制端、组控制端和开关节点 结构

  • Confucianism is investigated from the visual angle of political culture and a three-level structure of Confucianist value system is presented .

    本文从政治文化的视角考察儒学,提出儒学的价值系统呈 层次 结构

  • Considering characters of three-level H-bridge structure with clamped-diode each phase three carrier modulation schemes based on cascaded carriers and phase shifted consideration are presented . 3 .

    针对每相为二极管箝位 电平H桥级联的 结构特点,分析了基于载波层叠和载波移相思想进行组合的三种传统的载波调制方法,给出了具体的实现方案。

  • Discussion on the Necessity and Implementation Method of Three-level Three-phase Seismic Design for Building Structure


  • This paper introduces Hong Kong Public Libraries ' Multimedia Information System from mainly four aspects : three-level structure network structure workstation management and data processing .

    介绍了香港公共图书馆多媒体资讯系统的资源 服务 体系、网络体系、工作站管理和数据加工。

  • On this basis according to the function and operational characteristics of the three-level inverter the structure of the main circuit is determined . And the double loop control strategy which consists of outer voltage loop and inner current loop .

    在此基础上,依据 电平双向逆变器的特点确定其主电路 结构,并采用电压外环、电流内环的双闭环控制策略。

  • Attempt construction quasi-fixed structure pattern - form - case three-level system from three different level inspection quasi-fixed structure nature and constitution .

    尝试建构类固定短语型式格式语例 体系,从三个不同层级考察类固定 短语的性质和构成。

  • Research on Three-level SVM of Cascaded Multilevel Structure

    用于级联型 结构 电平SVM研究

  • Research and development on Web-based CAPP system for plastic injection mould with three-level structure

    基于Web的 结构注塑模具CAPP系统

  • At first the paper presents constraint-based distributed intelligent design system model . Then with three-level structure the system model is described and defined systemically : ① The display level which is based on display object .

    首先给出了基于约束的分布式智能设计系统模型,并用 3 结构系统地描述和定义了系统模型:1以显示对象为中心的显示层;

  • And propose the three-level matching model of configuration oriented to modular product structure based on that .

    并在其基础上提出了基于模块化产品 结构的配置 匹配模型。

  • On this basis we put forward a three-level integrated program in the hybrid structure .

    在此基础上,提出了 基于混合 架构下的 本体集成方案。

  • Third this article puts forward new requirements to organizational structure reform based on the demand for teachers ' development of basic education in new curriculum three-level courses course structure and the quality management system .

    再次,本文从基础教育新课程对教师发展、 课程管理体制、课程 结构和质量管理的要求入手,提出了对组织结构变革的新要求。

  • Conception of Building A Three-Level Systematic Structure for the Yangtze River Hydrological Data Information Network

    建立长江水文数据信息 网三 体系 结构的构想

  • On the Three-level Structure Theory in Network Service

    浅谈网络服务的 结构理论