


  • Based on HBT manufacture technique a novel three-terminal negative differential resistance ( NDR ) device has been prepared through special design of device structure which has distinct voltage control NDR character and current control NDR character .

    在HBT工艺基础上,通过对器件结构的特殊设计,研制出了一类新型 负阻器件,其恒压控制型负阻的PVCR大于800,并伴有恒流控制型负阻。

  • Three-terminal 1 . 3 μ m InGaAsP / InP Two-section Lasers

    1.3μm InGaAsp/InP双区共腔激光器

  • Experimental Studies of Current Injection Three-Terminal Device of Type B Made by High T_c Oxide Superconductor

    高Tc氧化物颗粒超导体的B型电流注入型 器件实验研究

  • Since the BJT is a three-terminal device one of the three terminals is permitted to be common to the input and output ports and the other two terminals are each uniquely associated with each port .

    由于晶体管是三个接线 的器件,其中一端 必然作为输入、输出端的公用 ,其它两端独立与 对应端相联系。

  • And in the gated three-terminal model we introduced a similar spin-capacitive effects imitating the charge capacitive effects of the gate .

    而在带有门极的 模型中,我们类比门极的电荷电容效应,引入了类似的自旋电容性效应。

  • The two-terminal fault location method which using velocity to calculate and the three-terminal fault location method which excluding the velocity had been used respectively in the experiment . The simulation results were compared with the results that based on wavelet transform .

    测距方法分别采用使用波速计算的双 测距法和不计波速的 端测距法,并与基于小波变换的故障测距结果进行比较。

  • Spin transistor is a three-terminal spin electronic device which is similar as conventional semiconductor transistor .

    自旋晶体管是指 利用电子自旋 自由 构建的在 结构上类似于传统半导体晶体管的 自旋器件。

  • Wiring is simple just to the three-terminal potentiometer received at the converter input voltage output voltage and the public side can be .

    接线简单,只需把 电位器 分接到变频器的电压输入 ,电压输出端和公共端就可。

  • Investigations of three-terminal electronic measurement on quantum dot devices

    量子点器件的 电测量研究

  • A description of recent work to make three-terminal Josephson devices which have normal metal grid with YBCO superconducting thin films is given in this paper . The change in the curves of DC I-V characteristics is sharper than that of a microbridge .

    用YBCO超导薄膜研制了具有正常金属栅极的超导 约瑟夫逊器件,其直流I&V特性曲线与没有金属栅极的微桥特性相比较,有明显的变化。

  • Based on the operating principle of MMC a mathematical switching model applied to the transient analysis of MMC and a mathematical model under dq coordinates of the three-terminal MMC-MTDC system which is suitable for control analysis are derived .

    基于MMC的运行工作原理,推导了适用于暂态分析的MMC的开关函数数学模型以及适用于控制分析的 MMC-MTDC系统dq坐标下的数学模型。

  • The method of replacing precision voltage regulator of MC1403 by common three-terminal voltage regulator of LM317 is introduced .

    本文介绍了用常见的 可调稳压元件LM317代换精密稳压源 MC1403

  • The conductivity of a field-effect like ultrashort channel weak link superconducting three-terminal device is discussed .

    本文讨论了一种MOS场效应型超短沟道弱连接超导 器件的导电性能。

  • The Tight-Binding Method is adopted to investigate the I-V characteristics of a three-terminal single-benzene molecular device with the results well reflecting the electrical characteristics of MOS ( Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor ) devices .

    采用紧束缚近似法对由单苯基分子构成的 器件的IV特性进行了研究,所得结果近似表现出了MOS(MetalOxide Semiconductor)器件的电学规律;

  • The experimental results show that this evolutionary algorithm model not only suits for circuits which contain two-terminal components but also can promotes to circuits or circuit modules which contain three-terminal components or more . 2 .

    实验结果表明,这种演化模型不仅适合含有两端元器件的电路,还可以向含有多 端口元器件的电路或者电路模块进行推广。

  • Finally the possibility of three-terminal and other functional devices using the trigger function of band mixing quantum well is discussed .

    最后讨论了利用能带混合量子 的触发功能来 制作 器件和各类功能器件的可能性。

  • Three-terminal spintronic devices i.e. spin transistors are also reviewed with the focus on the basic physical principles for these pure research devices at present .

    自旋晶体管 作为未来磁电子学或自旋电子学时代的基本元素,目前大都还 处在 概念型阶段,本文也将对几种自旋晶体管的 大致原理作简要介绍。

  • A New Current Differential Protection for Three-Terminal Transmission Lines Based on Distributed Parameters Model

    基于分布参数模型的 T 输电线路电流差动保护新 原理

  • Three-terminal Multilayer Ceramic EMI Filter

    片式多层 陶瓷EMI滤波器的 研究

  • At present the existing fault location algorithms for teed lines need to identify the fault section first and then convert the three-terminal line to a two-terminal line to locate the fault .

    目前,T型线路故障测距算法都是先判断故障支路,然后根据 判断的结果,将 线路 等效 成双 线路进行测距。

  • Research of relay protection of three-terminal power transmission lines using optical fiber channel


  • A new modeling method is proposed in which the advantages of the three-terminal switching modeling method switching network averaging modeling method and the energy conservation modeling methods are combined .

    结合 器件开关模型法、开关网络平均模型法及能量守恒法的特点,提出了一种新的建模方法。

  • Two types of High Tc Oxide Granular Superconductor Current Injection Three-Terminal Device ( HOGSCITTD ) have been made and their characteristics have been studied in our experiments . The results show the possibility of forming the switching and amplifying devices with these types of device .

    本文用实验方法研究了B型高Tc氧化物颗拉超导体电流注入 器件(B-HOGSCITTD)及其颈缩型(NB-HOGSCITTD)的特性,预示了以此构成开关器件和放大器件的可能性。

  • Accurate Fault Location Algorithm For Three-terminal Transmission Lines Using Matching Idea

    利用匹配思想的 T 线路准确故障定位新算法

  • By designing the train-server-monitoring three-terminal mode the system can monitor several trains at the same time .

    此外系统采用了车载-服务器-远程监控终端的 模式,实现了对多辆列车的同时监控。

  • Transistor - like three-terminal superconducting devices

    晶体管型 超导器件

  • We demonstrated the effects of exchange interaction on ac spin interaction by two models a two-terminal model and a three-terminal model with gate .

    我们通过两种模型来展示交换相互作用对于自旋交流输运的影响,即两端模型和带有门极的 模型。

  • The basic model for cooperative communications is the three-terminal relay channel including the source the relay and the destination .

    协作通信最基本的模型是包含信源 节点,中继 节点 信宿 节点 节点中继信道。

  • The study on a new accurate fault location algorithm for teed transmission line using three-terminal signals

    T 接线的一种新型精确故障定位算法的研究

  • Both of the theoretical analysis and simulations are carried out in three-terminal relay system and multi-relay system .

    最后在传统的 节点系统和多中继节点系统中,对AF、DF和 NAF的性能进行了理论分析和仿真。