threshold price

[ˈθrɛʃˌold praɪs][ˈθreʃhəuld prais]


  • In view of interest rate and different incentive threshold of mortgager a interest rate incentive function simulation model is established to price MBS .

    考虑到利率以及抵押借款人的不同利率刺激 门槛对预付的影响,建立利率刺激函数模拟模型进行 定价

  • In addition labor shortages will also raise the China venture threshold the optimization of industrial structure and even the rise and fall of the nation and world-wide inflation the price system in the world to re-position have a profound impact .

    此外,劳动力短缺还将对抬高我国的创业 门槛、产业结构的优化乃至民族的兴衰以及世界范围内的通货膨胀、世界 价格体系的重新定位等产生深远的影响。

  • This paper argues that the property tax levy there is help to curb speculation in the real estate market regulate the real estate market ; property tax levy will reduce the access threshold for buyers to make housing sales price has dropped significantly .

    本文认为物业税的开征,有利于抑制房地产市场中的投机行为,规范房地产市场;物业税的开征,将会降低购房者的准入 门槛,使房屋的销售 价格大幅下降。

  • But it is now also the case with a market-based core consumption inflation rate of 0.9 per cent that has edged below the threshold the Fed believes is consistent with price stability .

    但是目前0.9%的“基于市场”的核心消费通胀率也是如此略低于美联储认为要实现 价格稳定的 最低 标准

  • There are some problems in current informationization process such as high threshold high price threshold high power consumption resource utilization of PC and other issues .

    当前的信息化进程存在以PC为代表的知识 门槛高、 价格门槛高、功耗高、资源利用率等问题。

  • Different from the traditional dynamic pricing models which take price set as decision variables this model directly take time threshold point of price change as a decision-making variables to express the relationship of price decision and value function more clearly .

    与传统的动态定价模型以价格集合作为模型变量不同,本文所建立的模型直接以 不同 价格切换的时间点作为决策变量,使期望收益与价格决策的函数关系更加清晰。

  • The traditional method in which a single threshold value ( unit price ) has been used to determine the transportation mode of corresponding cargo lacks necessary support from practice .

    用单一的 临界 来决定不同类商品在国际贸易中运输模式的选择缺乏实践的支持。

  • Study of Oil Price Fluctuation Threshold To introduce the concept of oil price threshold and its application .

    油价 临界点理论、方法及应用初探提出 油价临界点概念,解决如何在波动油价下, 选择具有一定 规模的石油项目。

  • As to stop loss we choose threshold based on VaR and estimate price volatility rate based on GARCH model . Second estimate the impact cost .

    对于止损,我们基于VaR的思想来确定 阈值,并通过GARCH模型来估计 价差的波动率。第二:冲击成本的估算。