

[化] 三元环

  • The inherent throttle bearing parameters are optimized according to the maximum stiffness of aerostatic bearing . Stiffness of Supporting Bearing of Output Shaft on Dynamic Performance of Three-ring Transmission

    按气体轴承刚度最大准则优化了固有节流轴承参数。输出轴支承轴承刚度对 三环 减速机动态性能的影响分析

  • In order to improve the performance of the swing platform system on the basis of the three-ring control of position-velocity-current feedback the dynamic decoupling robust compensation controller and the input signal differential feedforward were added to make up of the compound control system .

    最后,为提高三轴摇摆台伺服控制系统的性能,以位置-速度-电流反馈 三环控制为基础,引入了动态解耦鲁棒补偿控制器环节和输入信号的微分前馈环节,组成复合控制系统。

  • Finite Element Analysis of the Multi-tooth Meshing Effect of Three-ring Gear Reducer


  • The multi-tooth meshing effect of the three-ring gear reducer is studied used the finite element method and ANSYS finite element software . While the three-ring gear reducer is running the number of teeth contacted simultaneously their load distribution characteristics and the von Mises stress change are gained .

    通过有限单元法,并借助ANSYS有限元分析软件对 三环减速器的多齿啮合效应进行了分析,得到了三环减速器传动时的实际接触齿数、啮合齿载荷分配以及VONMISES应力变化规律。

  • On the basis of analyzing and discussing the structural theory of Three-Ring Gear Reducer this dissertation gave a new scheme of planetary gear reducer with few teeth difference .

    本文在分析和讨论了现有的 平动 三环 减速机结构的基础上,提出了一种新的 平动少齿差行星减速机的结构方案。

  • Stiffness of Supporting Bearing of Output Shaft on Dynamic Performance of Three-ring Transmission

    输出轴支承轴承刚度对 三环 减速机动态性能的影响分析

  • This paper first makes the kinematic analysis of the multi-point meshing and flexible transmission device with a three-ring gear reducer for primary reducer then gets its inherent characteristics .

    本文首次对初级减速器为 三环减速器的多点啮合柔性传动装置进行了动力学分析,并得到其固有特性。

  • Will you keep the paperwork in a three-ring binder or an electronic database ?

    这些纸张 形式 文档可以存放在一个 三环的活页夹中吗?或者您会使用 有些 种类的电子数据库?

  • Jingguang Centre where is close to the Three-Ring Road that is convenient transportation has elegant office environment and is the best place where the elites get together .

    这里靠近 三环,交通便利,办公环境优雅、气派,是名人雅士汇聚的最佳场所。

  • Three-ring gear transmission is an over-constrained mechanism and its loading state is quite complicated .


  • A CAD System of Geometrical Design for Internal Gear Pair and Its Application to the Design of Three-Ring Gear Reducers

    内啮合齿轮几何设计CAD系统及其在 三环减速器系列设计中的应用

  • Based on the analysis of the current research of the domestic and international converter tilting device the current research status of device this paper has used the three-ring gear reducer as the primary reducer of the multi-point meshing and flexible transmission device .

    本文在分析了国内外现有的转炉倾动装置的研究现状后,确定了初级减速器为 三环减速器的多点啮合柔性传动装置。

  • Through comparison of dynamic analysis in different drive type and parameter design guidelines of this drive type have been arrived at namely standard type of Three-Ring Drive is suitable to adopt dual drive and biasing type single drive ;

    通过对不同型式及参数的 三环传动的动力分析对比,得出该类传动的设计准则,即标准型 三环传动宜采用双驱动,偏置型 三环传动宜采用单驱动;

  • And when these Americans come home at night bone-tired and turn on the news all they see is the same partisan three-ring circus here in Washington .

    这些美国人晚上回到家,精疲力尽,打开电视看新闻时,看到的是华盛顿千篇一律的党派争斗 闹剧

  • And the three-ring control strategy of position-velocity-current feedback and the compound control strategy were studied by electromechanical co-simulation of the three-axis swing platform .

    通过机电联合仿真的方法,对位置-速度-电流反馈 三环控制策略和复合控制策略的控制性能进行了仿真研究;同时,对采用复合控制策略的实际三轴摇摆台系统进行了试验。

  • By means of finite element method this paper carried out a statics analysis on the complete appliance of three-ring reducer . The reacting force of each structural member and the variation law of Von Mises stress were obtained during one period running of the three-ring reducer .

    通过有限单元法,对 三环减速器的整机进行了静力学分析,得到了三环减速器运转一个周期时,各个构件的作用反力和VONMISES应力变化规律。

  • On the basis of analysis the probable way for improving the dynamic performance of three-ring transmission by increasing the planetary bearing rigidity of the system was put forward .

    根据分析,提出通过增大系统的行星轴承刚度来改善 三环传动动态性能的可能途径。

  • The study established three-dimensional parts library of three-ring reducer it has great significance to the formation of product 's series .

    研究同时建立了 三环减速器的三维零件库,对产品系列化有着重要意义。

  • Tooth profile clearance angle mesh stiffness and load distribution calculation of three-ring reducer


  • This dissertation is aimed to design a new product series for three-ring gear reducer .

    本文旨在设计新的 三环减速器产品系列。

  • It soon uncovered a three-ring system around the exploded star .

    哈伯很快就发现了在爆炸恒星周遭,存在一个 三环系统。

  • The classroom became a three-ring circus when the teacher went out for a while .

    老师才出去一会儿,教室里便 喧闹 了。

  • Analysis of Load Capacity of Three-ring Gear Reducer


  • The hall was like a three-ring circus until the police arrived to restore order .

    警察来恢复秩序以前,大厅内一片 喧闹 混乱

  • Strength Analysis of Internal Tooth Ring Plate in the Two-class Three-ring Gear Reducer Based on ANSYS

    基于ANSYS的二级 三环减速器内齿环板的强度分析 上置 减速

  • Three-ring reducer is a new transmission device which develops in the foundation of few tooth difference planet reducer its application prospect is wide .

    三环 齿轮减速器是在 普通少齿差行星减速器基础上开发的一种新型传动装置,应用前景广泛。

  • The main contents are as follows : Three-ring transmission being widely used is taken as research object Subsystem synthesis is adopted and the system is divided into four subsystem including input shaft supporting shaft internal gear board output gear and shaft .

    主要内容包括:以目前应用最广泛的 三环 齿轮传动作为研究对象。采用子结构综合法,将系统分为输入轴、支承轴、内齿板、输出齿轮及轴共四个子系统。

  • The Development on Parameterized CAD System of Three-ring Gear Reducer


  • Elastic meshing load distribution and strength calculation of three-ring transmission


  • A Study on Elastic Meshing Effect of Three-ring Gear Drives
