


  • Consumers must be encouraged to use oil more thriftily – either through higher taxes or regulations enforcing fuel efficiency .

    我们必须鼓励消费者在使用石油方面更为 节俭,要么通过提高税收,要么执行燃油效率方面的监管要求。

  • The houses are thriftily built .

    这些房子建造 俭朴

  • We should run all undertakings industrially and thriftily .

    我们要 勤俭办一切事业。

  • A used towel that he had used and had left thriftily on the ledge below the mirror rather than consign to the linen basket .

    用过的毛巾他 节俭 在镜子下面的壁架上,而不是放进脏衣物筐里。

  • We must rely in particular on the efforts of the women 's organizations to tackle the problem of running the household thriftily .

    为了解决 勤俭 持家问题,特别要依靠妇女团体 工作。

  • An analysis of supply and demand curve for factors indicates that in order to compel economic individuals to use factors thriftily it is imperative to minimize distortion of factor prices .

    摘要对要素供求曲线分析表明,要使经济个体 节约 使用要素,必须使要素的价格扭曲程度最小化。