threshold agreement

[ˈθrɛʃˌold əˈɡrimənt][ˈθreʃhəuld əˈɡri:mənt]


  • The calculated threshold temperature is found to be in good agreement with the experimental laser-starting temperature which indicates the resonance radiation trapping is a significant factor in establishing the population inversion of the resonance to metastable transition lasers .

    发现计算得到的 阈值温度与实验报道的开始产生激光的工作温度 一致,表明共振辐射俘获效应是这类激光形成粒子数反转的一个重要机制。

  • It discusses threshold policies on resource management for application testing production and capacity planning and looks at some of the more important issues to consider such as impacts of a threshold policy on a service level agreement ( SLA ) .

    本文还将讨论为进行应用程序测试、生产和容量规划而进行的资源管理中使用的 阈值策略,检查一些需要考虑的重要问题,比如阈值策略对服务水平 协议(SLA)的影响。

  • The obtained safety threshold velocity by the new method is in good agreement with the measurement .

    分析结果表明,新方法确定的安全 阈值与现场监测确定的 阈值 吻合得较好。

  • The consumer also wants to know how threshold levels are related to guaranteed levels of service availability as set forth in a service level agreement ( SLA ) .

    使用者可能还希望了解 阈值水平与服务水平 协议(SLA)中保证的服务可用性水平之间的关系。

  • The threshold should be defined based on the average value from experience or the service level agreement .

    阈值应当根据平均体验值或服务水平 协议定义。

  • Without pre-setting the judging threshold this algorithm decreases the uncertainty of key generation comparing with the existing schemes increases the consistency of key agreement . 3 .

    同时,由于无需预先设定量化判决 门限,该算法比现有方案降低了密钥生成的不确定性,提高了 密钥生成一致性。

  • The policy must state that resource threshold levels be below or at the guaranteed level of service availability forth in the Service Level Agreement ( SLA ) .

    该策略必须声明资源 阀值水平,低于或等于之前在服务水平 协议(SLA)中规定的服务可用性保证水平。

  • By adopting the threshold cryptography and the method of third-party signature authentication used in PKI system this scheme enhanced the authentication reliability and reduced largely the authentication cost in key agreement process .

    该方案基于系统群签名进行认证,利用 门限密码技术并借鉴了PKI证书管理中的第三方签名认证思想,在提高认证可信度的同时,极大地减少了密钥 协商过程中所需的认证开销。

  • With a given operating threshold it is possible to get a general expression for the angle modulation limits of a noisy PLL . Applying the general expression to the noise-free case gives the results which are in agreement with the experimental ones presented in literature 1 w_1025 .

    本文则运用 Booton准线性方法获得了有噪FM解调环路频偏界限的通用表达式,在无噪情况下由此得出的结果与文献1w_1059的实验结果 一致