three-way connection

[ˈθriˌwe kəˈnɛkʃən][ˈθri:ˌweɪ kəˈnekʃən]


  • An approach based on the sniffer of TCP / IP communication to interrupt TCP three-way handshake connection is presented .

    研究TCP/IP网络的监听, 次握手建立 连接的过程,以及拆断TCP 次握手的方法。

  • Axial compress expander forming has been used to production of high-grade thin-wall three-way connection made of red copper used for building and refrigeration .

    介绍了采用轴向压缩胀形成形原理,生产高档建筑及制冷系统用薄壁紫铜管 接头的成形工艺和模具结构。

  • The powder supply device is connected to the high pressure gas bottle via a three-way connection and a pressure pipeline .

    供粉装置经 接头及压力管路与高压气体瓶连通;