Ocular tumors in dogs are found in the eyelid conjunctiva third eyelid cornea sclera iris ciliary body retina choroid optic nerve and orbit .
犬类的眼部肿瘤发现于眼睑,结膜, 第 三 眼睑,角膜,巩膜,虹膜,睫状体,视网膜,脉络膜,视神经和眼眶。
Signs include enophthalmos ( sunken eye ) miosis ( small pupil ) elevated third eyelid and ptosis ( drooping of the upper eyelid ) .
第 三 眼睑上移和上眼睑下垂。
美[θə:d ˈaɪˌlɪd]英[θɜ:d ˈaɪˌlɪd]
[医] 第三眼睑,瞬膜