



  • I lose control of this thong it could disappear for days .

    裤子根本 办法 穿 它消失几天。

  • The adaptors ' macro-commanding capacity and the concept of viewing a thong as a whole for the adapting novels for TV plays are very important .

    而改编者的宏观把握能力, 改编的整体观对于电视剧改编非常重要。

  • A sandal attached to the foot by a thong over the toes .

    通过脚趾上的一条 皮带 固定在脚上的一种鞋。

  • I could not cycle hike and everything else Neil and I seemed to partake in wearing a thong .

    在我和尼尔可能一起参与的骑车、远足以及其他任何活动中,我是不佩带 皮带 的。

  • A sock with a separation for the big toe ; worn with thong sandals by the Japanese .

    一种大拇趾被分开的短袜;日本人把它同 凉鞋一块穿。

  • Please don 't tell me it 's a thong .

    拜托别告诉我是 丁字 泳裤

  • Not one of them grows tired or stumbles not one slumbers or sleeps ; not a belt is loosened at the waist not a sandal thong is broken .

    其中没有疲倦的,绊跌的,没有打盹的,睡觉的。腰带并不放松, 鞋带也不折断。

  • He had a coil of wire around one arm and a pair of pliers hung by a thong from his wrist .

    他一条臂上挽着一圈铜丝,手腕上绕着的一 皮带上挂着一把钳子。

  • Can a thong cover a potato ?

    一条 皮带能保住土豆嘛?


    性感 内裤:弹性天鹅绒布料上缀有人造钻石, 贵气的闪亮!侧边松紧带可调整。

  • SILK THONG With rhinestone circle trim at rear .

    性感 薄纱 内裤,背后有人造钻石环扣设计。

  • Wear thong panties under your habit ( nuns only ) .

    法衣下穿的是 皮带的衬裤(仅 适用 修女)。

  • The boy in the bow of my canoe slapped stones at birds with a simple sling a rubber thong and leather pad .

    我乘坐的独木舟船头坐着个男孩,他用简陋的弹弓 橡皮 皮索 发射 石弹击打飞鸟。

  • He fastened the dog to the post with a thong .

    他用一 皮带把狗拴到柱子上。

  • She emerged from the sea wearing only a thong .

    她从海水中浮 ,只穿着

  • A thong would look ridiculous on me .

    要是 穿 丁字 会很可笑。

  • A2-day-old baby Asian elephant snuggles up against his mother Thong Dee at Taronga Zoo in Sydney .

    在悉尼动物园里,一头两岁大的亚洲象宝宝正 依偎着它的妈妈。

  • I knew that thong would come in handy .

    我就知道那 丁字 会派上用场。

  • He brought out o his coat a pocketbook bound by a leather thong .

    他从上衣兜里掏出一个用 皮条 起来的皮夹子。

  • Also the Thong Lo area had lovely little eateries and food stalls – perfect for food tripping .

    而且, 通罗区有一些小餐厅和小吃摊,绝对是一个吃东西的好地方。

  • A Study on General-Purpose Thong Controller

    通用型 定时控制器的研究

  • If I switch with harry do I have to wear a thong ?

    如果我和哈里调换,我应该穿 皮带吗?

  • The center of the second is Wang Ji-de who had a broad association with the writers at Yue Thong .

    第二阶段以王骥德为中心,他与越中诸曲 家有广泛的交往;

  • Frank 's sigh is very audible almost a moan . She 's wearing a pair of thong panties .

    富兰克的叹息声是能听见的几乎是一种呻吟。她穿着一条有 皮带的短裤。

  • Will you wear a thong ?

    你会穿 丁字

  • I 've also switched your underwear to a thong .

    我还把你的内裤换成了 丁字

  • Pleathe thing me a thong he lisped .

    请给我唱一首歌,他 口齿不清地说。