thoracic plane

[θəˈræsɪk plen][θɔ(:)ˈræsik plein]

[医] 胸平面

  • Conclusion The operative procedure by posterior approach is relatively simple and can get full decompression and reliable fixation of pedicle of vertebra which also can effectively restore the normal curve of thoracic spine in both coronary and sagittal plane .

    结论胸椎后路手术操作相对简单、减压充分、椎弓根固定切实可靠,可有效恢复 胸椎正常冠状面和矢状 面的曲度。

  • Conclusion : The results of this study show that selective fusion of the thoracic curve in idiopathic scoliosis King type ⅱ can achieve acceptable coronal and sagittal plane balance of the spine but must be discreet .

    结论: KingⅡ型特发性脊柱侧凸进行选择性 胸椎融合是可行的,但应慎重。

  • Methods 23 cases were treated with thoracic coronal plane wedge osteotomy soft tissue brisement and pedicle fixation ( 20 cases of idiopathic scoliosis and 3 cases of congential unilateral hemivertebra ) .

    方法采用后路凸侧椎体 楔形截骨、凹侧软组织松解、椎弓根系统内固定治疗 脊柱侧凸23例,其中特发性脊柱侧凸畸形20例,侧方半椎体畸形3例。