thirst for knowledge

[θɚst fɔr ˈnɑlɪdʒ][θə:st fɔ: ˈnɔlidʒ]


  • He has a strong thirst for knowledge .

    他有很强的 求知

  • Occasionally go to the library a thirst for knowledge .

    偶然去图书馆 知识 盼望

  • Your unquenchable thirst for knowledge is uber attractive .

    知识永无止境的 渴求相当有吸引力。

  • I read the professional biotechnology I biotechnology professional college entrance examination election because I magical world filled with a thirst for knowledge of .

    我所读的专业是生物技术,我高考选生物技术专业,是因为我 神奇的生物世界充满了 求知

  • Thirst for knowledge is so strong !

    求知 是那么的强!

  • In their impact I have trained their own thirst for knowledge and training for the positive and optimistic attitude towards life .

    在他们的影响下,我培养了自己的 求知 ,培养了对于生活的积极乐观态度。

  • Have the financial expertise with a strong thirst for knowledge careful work a strong ability to adapt .

    具备系统的财务专业 知识,具有旺盛的 求知 ,工作认真细心、适应能力强。

  • Her thirst for knowledge could never be assuaged .

    知识 渴求永远无法满足。

  • She has a strong thirst for knowledge .

    她有强烈的 求知

  • These young children thirst for knowledge .

    这些孩子们都 渴求 知识

  • I have a thirst for knowledge . I love reading .

    渴望 获取 知识,酷爱读书。

  • If he was to quench his thirst for knowledge he could do nothing other than explore the unknown quantity .

    他要满足 求知 没有别的办法,只能到自己陌生的领域中去探索。

  • They have a real thirst for knowledge and an incredibly humble yet can-do approach to challenges .

    他们 对于 知识有一种真正的 渴望,十分谦逊,还能完成艰巨的任务。

  • Her thirst for knowledge will never be quenched .

    她的 求知 是永不知足的。

  • Do you thirst for knowledge no matter the cost ?

    知识 渴求,是否已让你不计代价?

  • My thirst for knowledge and appreciation of cross-cultural experience will contribute to the classroom atmosphere adding a unique appreciation of diversity .

    知识 渴求和对跨文化交流的 追求将会为今后或 余额课堂气氛带来一定的帮助,也会给课堂的交流带来一定的多样性。

  • I am very interested in learning about everything and have a strong thirst for knowledge .

    我对学习的兴趣非常浓厚,对任何事物都有很强的 求知

  • What about giving a person a thirst for knowledge ?

    给人 知识 渴望怎么样?

  • God understood our thirst for knowledge and our need to be led by someone wiser ;

    上帝深知世人 渴求 知识,而且需要智者来导引;

  • His thirst for knowledge was insatiable ; he was always in the library .

    渴望 知识,从不知足,整天地钻在图书馆里。

  • I admire their thirst for knowledge and they seem to thrive on challenges .

    我钦佩他们 知识 渴望,他们含金量在挑战之中成长。

  • For teachers students'sound of reading convey their thirst for knowledge .

    对教师而言,学生的朗读声传达了他们 知识 渴望

  • She has a great thirst for knowledge .

    如饥似渴 学习 知识

  • His thirst for knowledge is insatiable .

    知识 渴求不会满足。

  • A good student has a thirst for knowledge .

    一个好学生 知识强烈 渴望

  • This thirst for knowledge and broad mind triggered unlimited passion and wisdom which is aimed at surpassing to the longinquity of the past amid challenges and disputes .

    这一 求知的欲望和广博的心怀激发出无限的热情和智慧。

  • The text of the Sophie she has strong curiosity and thirst for knowledge .

    文中的苏菲她具有激烈的猎奇心,和 求知

  • He used decades in prison to sharpen his arguments but also to spread his thirst for knowledge to others in the movement .

    他利用几十年的狱中时光来使自己的论点更加尖锐,但也用自己 知识 渴求来感染这场运动中的其他人士。

  • Whatever our aim we need an insatiable thirst for knowledge about it .

    不论我们的目标是什么,我们需要对 相关 知识有无尽的 渴求