


  • No obvious thoracocentesis contraindication .

    无明显 胸腔 穿刺禁忌症。

  • Results : Among the 70 patients 68 were successfully operated by suction only once 2 failed in thoracocentesis because of halfway pleural reaction .

    结果:70例中68例一次性 穿刺成功 顺利抽吸 积液,2例 病人因中途 出现胸膜反应未成功。

  • Methods : The microtrauma placing catheter of thoracocentesis was performed in 25 patients with malignant pleural effusion form December 2004 to December 2005.Staphylococcin aureus 6 ampules were injected into thoracic cavity after all pleural effusion released out then the catheter was removed .

    方法:2004年12月~2005年12月对25例恶性胸腔积液患者进行了微创 胸腔 穿刺置管,在尽量引流出胸腔积液后予高 聚生6支胸腔注射,并拔除导管。

  • Causes and Nursing Intervention of Pleural Reaction Induced by Thoracocentesis in Out-Patients Treatment Room

    门诊胸腔 穿刺 致胸膜反应的原因及护理措施