


  • In 2011 a Yahoo ( YHOO ) chairman fired Bartz & over the phone .

    2011年, 雅虎董事长打电话解雇了巴茨。

  • Will do this for you all you have to do is get the result from Yahoo !

    会为你做这个,你所要做的就是从 雅虎得到的结果!

  • Once Google and Yahoo tire of acquisitions the Web 2.0 hangover could be acute .

    一旦谷歌和 雅虎厌倦了收购,web2.0的后遗症可能会很严重。

  • These include Yahoo Google PayPal and LinkedIn .

    20年来,莫里茨领导着红杉(Sequoia)进行了一些最成功的投资,其中包括 雅虎 Yahoo 、谷歌(Google)、贝宝(PayPal)和商务社交网站LinkedIn。

  • I think this is really painful for him says one former Yahoo executive .

    我想,这对他来说确实非常痛苦,一位曾经在 雅虎担任高管的人士说。

  • Yahoo rejected Microsoft 's offer saying it substantially undervalues the company .


  • Microsoft and Yahoo are the only two companies who have their own ad-serving .

    微软和 雅虎是仅有的两家拥有自己的网络广告技术的公司。

  • Oddly enough Yahoo had also set up a digital graffiti wall at Internet Week New York 's headquarters .

    奇怪的是, 雅虎还成立了一个在互联网周刊纽约总部的数码涂鸦墙。

  • Yahoo and Google are also a good example of this .


  • You can chat with Yahoo and MSN users through mig and can chat with other users in mig33 chatrooms .

    你可以聊天、 雅虎和MSN用户可以通过米格其他用户mig33聊天室聊天。

  • He also resigned from the boards of Yahoo Japan and Alibaba group .

    他还辞去了 雅虎日本 Yahoo Japan 和阿里巴巴集团(AlibabaGroup)董事会的职务。

  • More important Yahoo rebuffed Alibaba 's request to buy back shares .

    更重要的是, 雅虎断然拒绝了阿里巴巴提出的回购股份的要求。

  • Yahoo took a 40 per cent stake in Alibaba in 2006 and Alibaba took control of Yahoo China .

    2006年, 雅虎获得了阿里巴巴40%的股权,而阿里巴巴获得了雅虎中国的控股权。

  • a typical City merchant banking yahoo .

    伦敦商业区典型的奢侈 挥霍的年轻商业银行家

  • Its structure is complicated by its relationships with Yahoo Japan and Alibaba .

    同时,由于与 雅虎日本 公司和阿里巴巴公司(Alibaba)的关系,雅虎的公司结构可谓十分复杂。

  • Yahoo is the oldest and best-known Web directory service .


  • He would like to work for Google Yahoo or Microsoft .

    他想为谷歌, 雅虎或微软工作。

  • Have you checked the price of Google Yahoo and Cisco stock lately ?

    大家注意到谷歌、 雅虎和思科等公司最近的股价了吗?

  • And manage what not good at Yahoo entered Microsoft to buy eye shot all the time of late .

    而近来一直经营不善的 雅虎进入了微软的收购视野。

  • He often searches for information through Google Yahoo or Baidu .

    他经常通过谷歌、 雅虎或百度搜索信息。

  • She says Yahoo will integrate with Facebook Twitter and whoever the new Facebook and Twitter is .

    她表示, 雅虎将与Facebook,、Twitter以及任何取代Facebook和Twitter的新技术进行整合。

  • One cheeky hacker combined real-time traffic data from Yahoo ! with the driving directions from Google .

    一个无耻的黑客甚至还将 Yahoo!的实时交通数据和Google的驾驶向导联系起来。

  • What did you think of Yahoo Google iPod and BlackBerry when you first heard them ?

    你第一次听到 Yahoo 雅虎 、Google(谷歌)、iPod和BlackBerry(黑莓)的时候,是怎么想的呢?

  • The two had sold their highly popular photo-sharing website to Yahoo !

    他们两个将他们非常受欢迎的分享照片的网站卖给了 雅虎

  • We looked at data from 95 meetings Rudin tells Yahoo !

    我们研究了95个会议的数据,Rudin告诉 雅虎

  • Yahoo stopped offering services in China in 2013 .


  • Yahoo cannot lose more share in search to Google ( or indeed Microsoft 's Bing site ) .


  • Yahoo Google and Twitter rounded out the top five while Apple came in sixth .


  • The latest reports are that some big Yahoo shareholders would support a deal if Microsoft raised its offer .

    最新的报道提出,如果微软提高出价, 雅虎的一些大股东对该交易将表示支持。

  • Yahoo and Microsoft have also seen the volume of search ads rise sharply he said .

    他说, 雅虎和微软的搜索广告数量在大幅增长。