




  • The music was also of the highest caliber including tenor Placido Domingo and cellist Yo-Yo Ma .

    音乐表演也是首屈一指,表演者有男高音歌唱家多明戈和大提琴演奏家 马友友

  • This unexpected energy expansion is highly remotely controlled and the individual feels like a yo-yo doing the destined workload .

    这股意料之外的能量扩充是遥控的,而且此人会觉得自己象个 溜溜 一样做着命运安排的课业。

  • She even had a nutritionist supposedly to stop her yo-yo dieting .

    还还请了一个营养学家,来帮助她防止 体重反弹。

  • Bear yo-yo boat robot ball toys .

    小熊, 溜溜 ,船,机器人,球,玩具。

  • Your attitude could be up and down like a yo-yo .

    你的态度可能会 比较 摇摆

  • In1928 Flores built the first yo-yo factory mass producing the toys in California .

    1928年,弗洛雷斯建立了第一个 溜溜 的工厂,大规模生产的玩具在美国加州。

  • A yo-yo can rise and fall .

    溜溜 可以上升也可以下降。

  • He went to his desk and returned with a Yo-Yo .

    他走到书桌旁拿回来一只 悠悠

  • It 's a little yo-yo .

    这是一个小 悠悠

  • I remember hearing Yo-Yo Ma play the Bach sonatas for cello and keyboard .

    我记得我听 马友友拉的巴赫大提琴与键盘奏鸣曲。

  • If you could meet Yo-Yo Ma what would you say to him ?

    如果你碰到 马友友,你会对他说什么?

  • World-renowned cellist Yo-Yo Ma founded The Silk Road Project in 1998 .

    世界闻名的大提琴家 马友友于1998年创建了丝路工程。

  • One of my brothers called Tom is playing with a yo-yo .

    我那名叫“汤姆”的弟弟正在玩 遛遛

  • Don 't talk to him he is a real yo-yo .

    不要跟他说话,他真是个摇摆不 呆瓜

  • The price of petrol is going up and down like a Yo-Yo .

    汽油的价格像 悠悠 一样 上忽下。

  • Whether or how quickly it will yo-yo back is harder to forecast .

    它是否(或者多快) 复苏就较难预测了。

  • Let 's play yo-yo in the yard . Don 't forget to bring your yo-yo !

    我们一 来源 溜溜 把。不要忘了把你的溜溜球带来玩

  • That 's Yo-Yo Ma and Itzhak Perlman playing just before the swearing-in .

    就在总统宣誓前 马友友和伊扎克。帕尔曼在演奏。

  • How much is the yo-yo worth ?

    这个 溜溜 多少钱?

  • Hi ! Li Dong this is my yo-yo .

    嗨!李东,这是我的 溜溜

  • Make your yo-yo up and down .

    使你的 溜溜 上下

  • This is my yo-yo .

    这是我的 溜溜

  • To quit leaving this damn yo-yo on the floor ?

    不准把这该死的 溜溜 在地上?

  • While the yo-yo today is a toy for kids it didn 't start out that way .

    尽管今天 悠悠 是孩子们的一种玩具,但最初它可不是 用来玩的。

  • Don 't forget to bring your yo-yo !

    不要忘了把你的 溜溜 带来

  • He also began to hold yo-yo competitions to promote the toys which started the first round of yo-yo mania in the United States .

    他也开始举办 溜溜 比赛,以推动玩具,开始了第一轮的溜溜球在美国狂热。

  • I know ! It 's Andy 's yo-yo .

    我知道!这是安迪的 悠悠

  • The yo-yo had been confiscated from one of his pupils .

    他的一名学生的 溜溜 被充公了。

  • An American named Donald Duncan saw the yo-yo in action in the early1920s .

    一位叫唐纳德肯的美国人在20世纪20年代初看到了 悠悠 的运用。