yearly output

[ˈjɪrli ˈaʊtˌpʊt][ˈjə:li ˈautput]


  • The yearly output pf the portable computers in the factory approximates to 50 000 .

    该工厂的袖珍计算机 产量约为五万台。

  • This is their average yearly output .

    这是他们 每年的平均 产量

  • What 's the average yearly output of cars in your factory ?

    你们厂平均 年产汽车多少台?

  • Discusses the formation of yearly input output table through a series of discrete input output tables in order to make use of the static input output theory .

    探讨如何根据离散的投入产出表生成 逐年连续的投入 产出表,即序列投入产出表的方法,以扩大静态投入产出理论的应用。

  • The yearly output of this factory approximates to500 tons .

    这座工厂的 产量约计为五十万吨。

  • The new area has set a bold target of a24.5-percent year-on-year GDP growth for2010 and a yearly industrial output growth rate of25 percent .

    滨海新区设立了富有胆识的发展目标:2010年GDP比上年同期增长24.5%, 全年工业生产 总值同比增长25%。

  • The yearly output is large and the products are exported .


  • An overall safety analysis is conducted for the design of a tail gas recovering system from the electric arc furnace producing yellow phosphorus with a yearly output of 5 000 t whose defects are also pointed out .

    对一个 5000ta的黄磷电炉的尾气回收系统的设计进行了全面的安全分析,指出了其中存在的不足。

  • Thereafter output collapsed yet business productivity growth remained positive registering an average yearly pace of over 2 per cent as companies shed labour at a faster pace than they reduced output .

    随后,产出大幅下挫,不过由于企业裁员的速度比 减产的速度还要快,企业生产率增长仍为正值, 年度平均增幅超过2%。

  • Shortage of hands has shrunk our plant 's yearly output .

    人手不足已使我们厂的 产量减少。

  • Now your factory produces aluminium materials and your yearly output value has reached as much as over one billion yuan .

    现在你们厂生产铝型材料, 产值已达到10亿多元。

  • Resin bonded sand casting line with yearly output of 3000t has been built up in Shandong Light Industry Machinery Plant through technical transformation of such casting process .

    山东轻工机械厂用树脂砂铸造工艺对铸造车间进行技术改造,建成 年产3000t树脂砂铸件的铸造生产线。

  • The study of yearly wool output estimation in early stage on Germany Angora rabbit

    德系长毛兔 年产早期估计的初探

  • Now the status quo of Anhua Dark Tea is that with a high yearly production is still cannot create a considerable output value because it has no brand that can be memorized by the consumers .

    目前来看,安化黑茶 每年出产量很高,却因没有让消费者记得住的品牌而创造不出可观的 产值

  • Sine 1980 the average yearly increment speed of the total output of beverage exceeds 20 % and it will keep increasing at 10 % .

    自1980年以来我国饮料总 产量平均 增长速度超过20%,并且今后仍将以10%的速度增长。

  • Technology Analysis and Determination of Yearly Output in Fully-mechanized Sublevel Caving Face

    综放采场采放工序分析与合理 产量确定

  • The yearly output shipbuilding from 1982 of the 17th jumped to 1994 of the third in the world and maintained the ranking of 14 years since 1994 .

    造船 产量从1982年的世界排名第十七位,跃升到从1994年至今连续14年保持世界第三位的水平。

  • The agricultural irrigation quantity to be a research object make it as a nonlinear function of effective irrigation area yearly rainfall and grain output and forecast it by using nerve network and gray forecasting ;

    以农业灌溉量为研究对象,将其看作灌区有效灌溉面积、 降雨量、粮食 产量的非线性函数,并利用神经网络和灰色预测等方法对其进行预测;