
[ˈjɛmən, ˈjemən][ˈjemən]


  • Laos Yemen Chad Somalia and Ethiopia were found doing the worst among developing countries the report said .

    该报告称,老挝、 也门、乍得、索马里和埃塞俄比亚被发现是在发展中国家中做得最差的。

  • In June requests will be processed for Tajikistan Togo and Yemen .

    6月份将审批塔吉克斯坦、多哥和 也门的请求。

  • The Arab League has been discussing the Yemen 's situation .

    阿拉伯联盟已经就 也门局势展开讨论。

  • The USS Cole was refuelling in the port of Aden in Yemen when it was attacked in2000 .

    2000年,美国军舰“科尔”号在 也门的亚丁港口加油时遭受了攻击。

  • America has been noticeably reticent about supporting challenges to the ruling regimes in Saudi Arabia Bahrain and Yemen .

    对于是否支持沙特、巴林和 也门民众挑战现政权,美国显然一直保持缄默。

  • Zimbabwe ranks last just ahead of Sudan and Yemen .

    津巴布韦位居末位,其次是苏丹和 也门

  • A missile attack from a drone or unmanned aircraft killed him early Friday in eastern Yemen .

    一个从无人驾驶飞机或无人驾驶飞机的导弹袭击中丧生,他周五凌晨在东部 也门

  • The plan presented in Yemen on Thursday includes Mr. Saleh 's resignation and a three-month transition .

    星期四在 也门提交的计划,内容包括萨利赫辞职和为期三个月的过渡期。

  • On 1 December the presidency of the Security Council automatically transfers from the US to Yemen .

    12月1日,联合国安全理事会的轮值主席国职位自动地由美国移交给 也门

  • The alarming problems of Pakistan Yemen and so many other places threaten to feed more violence .

    巴基斯坦、 也门和其他很多地方的警示性问题充满着更多的暴力威胁。

  • Basically this is the main issue at the moment in Yemen .

    这可以说是 也门当前面临的一个主要问题。

  • This meeting brought together the foreign ministers of Germany Britain France Italy Japan Canada and the United States for meetings on crises including Ukraine Iraq Syria Yemen Libya and several in Africa .

    德国、英国、法国、意大利、日本、加拿大和美国的外交部长在会上讨论了乌克兰、伊拉克、叙利亚、 也门、利比亚和非洲等国的危机。

  • Morocco and Yemen have created river basin agencies and granted autonomy to public urban water supply agencies .

    摩洛哥和 也门建立了江河流域管理署,给予公共城市供水机构自主权。

  • And it has begun importing liquefied natural gas from Qatar Australia and Yemen .

    中国也已经开始从卡塔尔、澳大利亚和 也门进口液化天然气。

  • Political System Yemen is a republic with a bicameral legislature .

    政治体系 也门是采用两院制立法机构的共和国。

  • Only recently Yemen and Algeria joined the efforts offering annual grants for Chinese to learn Arabic .

    “直到最近, 也门和阿尔及利亚才开始努力,每年允许一定数量的中国人来他们国家学习阿拉伯语”。

  • The situations in Saudi Arabia Yemen and Bahrain pose another set of conundrums .

    沙特、 也门以及巴林的局势构成了另一组谜题。

  • The Bank is preparing two rapid response operations in Djibouti and Yemen .

    世行正在吉布提和 也门准备两个快速反应业务。

  • The United States and Britain have agreed to fund a new counter-terrorism police unit in Yemen .

    美国和英国已经同意资助 也门的一个新的反恐警察部门。

  • Yemen and Jordan have the most severe water shortages in the Middle East and North Africa .

    在中东与北非地区, 也门和约旦的水资源短缺问题最严重。

  • Over the coming month the World Bank expects to provide grant support to Togo Yemen and Tajikistan .

    下个月,世界银行可能为多哥、 也门和塔吉克提供赠款。

  • Hi . I need one fake ticket to yemen .

    嗨,我想要一张去 也门的假票。

  • In Yemen and Qatar there are no women in the equivalent of their parliamentary bodies .


  • Yemen . that 's right yes I 'm being transferred to yemen !


  • Sieghart is all too well aware of Yemen 's water problems .

    Sieghart是 也门水利和环境部的一位环境管理专家,她对 也门的水资源问题再也熟悉不过了。

  • Transportation and Education in Yemen


  • When we get to yemen can I stay with you ?

    到了 也门之后,我能和你待在一起吗?

  • United Nations Yemen observation mission ;

    联合国 也门观察团;

  • The brothers had travelled to Yemen in 2011 .

    这对兄弟曾在2011年去过 也门