yellow load

[ˈjɛlo lod][ˈjeləu ləud]

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  • It is proved by practice that soil and water conservation work not only can ensure the development of national economy in loess plateau of middle Yellow River basin but also is the only way of reducing sediment load entering the Yellow River once and for all .

    实践证明,水土保持不仅是 黄河中游黄土高原发展国民经济建设的保证,也是从根本上减少输入黄河 泥沙的主要措施,是根治黄河之本。

  • Landscape Characteristics of Wetland in Lower Yellow River Basin and Feedback to Runoff and Sediment Load

    黄河下游湿地景观特征及其对来水来 响应

  • Directing the Yellow Project GM3 Pumping Station Main Equipment Load Efficiency Analysis

    引黄工程GM3泵站主要设备 负荷效率分析

  • 2 the inspector will date and sign the yellow caution tag and fill in any restrictions or cautions associated with the scaffold noting the total working load on tag .

    检查员将在“ 黄色”警告性标牌上签署日期和姓名,并填写与脚手架有关的任何限制或警告,并标注脚手架的总工作 负荷

  • Based on the monitoring results of water quality in South Yellow Sea offshore in 2003 the sea water quality in the sea area has been assessed by analysising the single pollution index pollution load ratio the nutrient status index and organic pollution index .

    根据2003年12月对 海南部近岸海域进行的水质监测结果,分别应用单因子污染指数、污染 负荷比、有机污染指数和富营养化指数进行了该海域的水质评价和分析。

  • In the past 30 years the lower Yellow River has been watching obvious variation in water and sediment load which has caused the readjustment of longitudinal & transversal river bed profiles .

    近年来, 黄河下游来水来沙出现一些新的特点,水 的变化必然影响下游河床纵剖面和横断面的调整变化。