



  • In order to discuss the feasibility of meat adulteration recognition based on electronic nose an electronic nose was used to analyze yak meat beef and pork .

    为了探索电子鼻对肉类掺假识别的可行性,利用电子鼻对 牦牛肉、牛肉和猪肉 样品进行了分析。

  • The intercellular substance of cortical cells of yak tail hair exhibited typical sandwich structure like wool fiber .


  • That I could reach into the belly of a yak and rip out his heart .

    我能将手伸进 牦牛 体内然后撕裂它的心!

  • The milling property of wool mohair rabbit hair cashmere sheep cashmere and yak hair was examined by using milling ball test method .

    应用毡缩球法研究了羊毛、马海毛、兔绒、山羊绒、绵羊绒和 牦牛绒的毡缩性能。

  • Research Progress of Applying Breeding Control Technology in Yak Production

    繁殖控制技术在 牦牛生产中的应用研究进展

  • The preparation of adhesive to be used for high speed machinery labeling with yak milk casein was introduced .

    介绍一种用 牦牛奶系干酪素制备啤酒瓶高速机械贴标粘合剂的方法。

  • Determination of LDH Activity in Serum and Tissues in Yak

    生长 牦牛血清和组织中LDH活性的测定

  • Determination and Analysis on the Nutritional Components in the Placenta of Plateau Yak

    高原 牦牛胎盘营养成分的测定与分析

  • Observation of microstructure and ultrastructure of the thyroid gland in juvenile yak

    幼龄 牦牛甲状腺的显微结构和超微结构观察

  • I would like to have the special yak 's steak dinner .

    我想要 牦牛排特餐。

  • Component Analysis on Northern Tibet Yak Meat and Research on Its Nutrition Quality

    藏北 牦牛肉成分和营养品质的分析研究

  • Studies on Polymorphism of Milk Protein in Half Wild Blood Yak

    1/2野血 牦牛乳蛋白多态性的研究

  • Result showed : ① The average infectious rate of sarcocystis for Yak and sheep was82 .

    结果显示:①调查地区绵羊和 牦牛住肉孢子虫平均感染率分别为82。

  • It was concluded that there were arteriovenous anastomosis in yak 's heart .


  • The complete sequence of HSP72 gene of yak is enlarged by PCR and determined by clone .

    本研究克隆测序了 牦牛HSP72基因的全序列。

  • The utilization of special animal fibers including cashmere yak hair camel hair rabbit hair and feathers is illustrated by literature and the archaeological discoveries .

    从历史文献和考古发现说明山羊绒、 牦牛毛、骆驼毛、兔毛以及羽毛等特种动物纤维在我国古代纺织品中的应用。

  • The comparatively anatomic and histological study in spleens of Yak and cattle


  • The effect of 6 grazing intensities on growth of yak and the secondary productivity of sward was studi-ed.

    试验研究了6种放牧强度对 牦牛生长及草地第二性生产力的影响。

  • The rich family receive guests with Yak meat biscuit and milk tea .

    生活 条件 较好的人家,接待客人的 牦牛 肉排,饼子和奶茶。

  • Effects of Nutritious Yak Bone Powder on Rat Bone Density and Serum Biochemical Indexes


  • The influence of capability of Yak hairs treated with different plasma was studied .

    研究了各等离子体参数对 牦牛毛纤维性能的影响。

  • Production Function Analysis of Yak and Tibetan Sheep in Surrounding Qinghai Lake Area

    环青海湖地区 牦牛藏羊的生产函数分析

  • Products yak meat cattle show Niuliu steak Niunan .

    产品,有 牦牛肉,牛展,牛柳,牛排,牛腩。

  • Color-difference Analysis of Biceps femoris and Longissimus dorsi in Slaughtered Yak and Yellow Cattle


  • The Effect of Yak Placenta Powder on NO Content in Some Organs of Subacute Aging Model Mice


  • I 'm nervous . I yak when I get nervous .

    我有点紧张,我一紧张就 喋喋不休

  • Effect of different grazing intensities on grazing behavior of yak in summer

    不同放牧强度对 牦牛夏季放牧行为的影响

  • The technology and composition of emulsification and fermentation sausage ( summer sausage ) of yak meat were studied and the its composition was explored by means of orthodoxy design .


  • The muscle ′ s mineral contents of Zhongdian yak Gayal Zebu Diqing yellow cattle and Zhongdian cattle yak have been measured .

    采用组织学、电镜方法对云南主要地方牛种大额牛、云南瘤牛、中甸 牦牛、迪庆黄牛和中甸犏牛的肌纤维特性作了系统研究。

  • Pathogeny and Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine Treatment of Retention of Food in Rumen of the Plateau Yak

    高原 牦牛瘤胃积食的病因分析和中西医结合治疗