


  • Security officials who spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to brief journalists said that Saudi-led airstrikes against the rebels and their allies continued in several Yemeni provinces .

    负责安全事务的官员说,沙特领导的针对反政府武装及其同盟的空袭还在 也门的几个省持续进行。这些官员不愿透露姓名,因为他们没有权限向通报记者这些情况。

  • His offer was rejected by the Yemeni opposition which wants him to leave immediately .

    他的命令遭到想要他立即下台的 也门反对党的拒绝。

  • Yemeni officials say a rocket attack on a British embassy vehicle in Sana'a has wounded several people while a gunman has killed a French man working at an energy facility outside the capital .


  • The Yemeni government is also battling against southern separatists and militants sympathetic to al-Qaeda .

    在该国南部, 也门政府军还在跟分离分子及阿凯达恐怖组织作战。

  • But the concrete perimeter withstood the explosions and Yemeni soldiers engaged the attackers with casualties on both sides .

    不过,水泥院墙承受住了爆炸的袭击, 也门士兵还和袭击者交战,双方都有人死亡。

  • President Ali Abdullah Saleh told a Yemeni government TV program Saturday that the country 's armed forces are now well-trained and have taken great strides in recent decades .

    也门总统萨利赫星期六告诉 也门政府的一个电视节目说,也门的武装部队现在是训练有素,并且在近几十年来进步很快。

  • The investigation will focus on Bumi Resources ' development funds including one for a Yemeni oil exploration project .

    这项调查将关注于BumiResources的开发基金,包括为一个 也门石油勘探项目设立的基金。

  • Awlaki and his organization have been directly responsible for the deaths of many Yemeni citizens .

    奥拉基及其组织对许多 也门公民的死亡负有直接责任。

  • The rebels finalized their takeover of the country last Friday announcing they have dissolved parliament and are establishing a new presidential council to run Yemeni affairs .

    上星期五,叛乱分子正式接管权力,宣布解散议会,并将组建一个新的总统委员会来 处理政务。

  • A group of Yemeni religious leaders said Friday that they would declare a jihad or holy war in the event that foreign troops were to intervene inside Yemen .

    也门 一些宗教领袖星期五说,如果外国军队在也门境内进行干涉,他们将宣布展开一场圣战。

  • Every cup of coffee you drink owes its existence to a fruit that grew wild in the Yemeni desert .

    你所喝到的每一杯咖啡,都是由于 也门沙漠中遍地种植的咖啡豆而存在。

  • Officials in the United States say they do not now believe that two Yemeni men arrested at a Dutch airport on suspicion of terrorism were planning an attack .

    美国官员表示,现在,他们不相信在荷兰机场因恐怖主义嫌疑被逮捕的两名 也门男子计划进行袭击。

  • The Yemeni government said the army launched the attack when it was obvious that the kidnappers would kill the hostages .

    也门政府说,也门军队是在 一些人质显然要遭到杀害的情况下,向绑架者发起进攻的。

  • Mansour Hadi the Yemeni president apologised to the US and said the incident would be investigated .


  • The president 's homeland security advisor told the FOX News Sunday television program the United States is working with the Yemeni government to deal with the terrorist threat .

    这位总统国土安全顾问在“福克斯周日新闻”电视节目上说,美国正与 也门政府合作应对这种恐怖威胁。

  • The group said many Yemeni child brides-to-be are kept from school when they reach puberty .

    该组织还称,许多 也门准新娘一到青春期就无法继续上学。

  • Yemeni forces have continued to strike at jihadist cells and foreign security aid still flows .

    也门武装力量在继续打击圣战秘密组织,国外的安全援助也仍在流入 也门

  • I think that maybe the Yemeni government resorted to this in order to prevent any attack on the country said Mustafa .

    “我认为 也门政府采取这种方法,也许是为了防止在本国发生任何形式的攻击,”穆斯塔法说。

  • At a news conference in Washington Mrs Clinton said the departure of President Saleh would benefit the Yemeni people .

    在华盛顿举行的新闻发布会上,克林顿称,萨利赫总统的离开对 也门人民是有利的。

  • And as an Egyptian there are questions over whether he can command full allegiance from the group 's Saudi and Yemeni members .

    有人质疑,作为一名埃及人,他能否获得沙特阿拉伯和 也门成员的绝对忠诚。

  • The US remains in close contact with European and Gulf allies and continues to review options to increase pressure on Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh to sign an agreement to step down officials said .

    有官员称,美国将与欧洲以及海湾盟国保持密切联系,继续利用各种可能性对 也门总统阿里阿卜杜拉萨利赫施压,让后者签署协议下台。

  • An influential Yemeni cleric has warned the country not to allow occupation by foreign powers as it co-operates with the US in counter-terrorism .

    一位有影响力的 也门牧师警告,在与美国合作进行反恐行动的时候不能被外国势力所“占据”。

  • Most youths from the Yemeni social elite prefers to take their higher education abroad and the university system of Yemen is little developed .

    许多 也门上层社会的青年宁愿去国外接受高等教育,而且也门的大学系统也发展很慢。

  • The United States is investigating the ties between Yemeni militants and the man accused of trying to blow up an airplane in the United States on Christmas Day .

    美国正在调查 也门激进分子和被一名被控在圣诞节当天试图炸毁一架美国班机的男子的关系。

  • And although a Yemeni official said some family members left Sana the capital with Mr.

    尽管 也门政府官员称萨利赫部分家庭成员已经离开撒那。

  • Al-Raimi escaped from a Yemeni prison in2006 .

    雷米2006年逃离了 也门的一个监狱。

  • Five senior Yemeni officials injured along with him are now being treated in Saudi Arabia .

    与他一起 受伤的其他5名高级官员现在在沙特阿拉伯接受治疗。

  • Foreign media reported protesters wounded from gunfire tear gas and beatings by Yemeni security forces .

    外国媒体报导说,枪击、催泪弹和 也门安全人员的殴打导致抗议者受伤。

  • Yemeni officials say the organization of Gulf Arab states has given Yemen 's President Ali Abdullah Saleh a revised proposal to hasten his exit from office and provide for new elections .
