


  • Threnody for Women Wretches & on humanistic concern in the book Corn

    薄命 红颜 悲歌&论《玉米》中的人文关怀

  • Both The Thunderstorm and The Golden Lock Story Pay the close attention to the state of the female who lived in the old-style family narrate their experiences of love or hate sing a threnody and a dirge for them with heart .

    《雷雨》和《金锁 》都 表达了对旧时代女性生活、生存状态的极大关注, 描绘了她们的爱与恨,为她们谱写了 一曲 悲歌一曲挽歌。

  • She listened to its dismal threnody tapping her teeth with her red pencil and watching rivulets snaking down the windowpanes .

    一边 听着那忧悒的 悲歌一边用红色的铅笔轻击着她的牙齿,看着雨水顺窗玻璃蜿蜒流下。

  • Thomas Hardy 's Wessex novels are a threnody of the decline of the British rural patriarchal clan society whose mood and tune experienced a complicated evolution from cheer to melancholy and desolation .

    哈代的 威塞克斯小说是英国宗法制农村社会衰亡的一曲 挽歌,其情调经历了曲折的演变过程:欢快忧郁悲凉。

  • They sang a threnody for the dead person .

    他们为那个死去的人唱了 哀歌

  • Threnody and Dirge : the World of Female & The Female Image in The Thunderstorm and The Golden Lock Story

    悲歌 ·挽歌:她们的世界&《雷雨》、《金锁 女性形象 比较