three-level system


  • In this paper ; a closed V-type three-level system is studied .

    研究了封闭的V型 能级 激光 系统

  • On the squeezing effect of the light field in a Λ - type degenerate quantum-beat three-level system

    ∧-型简并量子拍频 能级 系统中的光场压缩效应

  • In this regard turn a group of turns and dialogical fragment constitute a three-level system of dialogical discourse from low to high levels .

    话轮、对话统一体和对话语段构成了对话语篇由低到高的 个不同的层级 体系

  • Theoretical Study of Fifth-Order Polarization Beat Frequency in a V Type Three-Level System

    V型 能级 系统中五阶极化拍频的理论研究

  • The new effects of phase-conjugation asymmetric attosecond sum-frequency polarization beat ( ASPB ) of twin composite color-locking stochastic fields in cascade three-level system are investigated .

    研究了级联 能级 系统中孪生色锁随机光场的相位共轭阿秒和频极化拍频(ASPB)不对称新效应。

  • Investigation of Transient Properties of Electromagnetically Induced Transparency in a Λ - Type Three-level System

    ∧型 能级 系统中电磁感应透明特性的研究

  • Design of ring laser resonator for dimer vapor with three-level system

    用于二聚物 能级蒸气激光 系统的环形谐振腔设计

  • Using the kinetic rate equation a new method for obtaining the molecules ionization cross section σ m ' and the nonradiative relaxation rate y for a three-level system has been presented .

    利用动力学速率方程,得到了一种获得分子 能级 系统的电离截面δm~′和无辐射弛豫速率γ的新方法。

  • The new mode of cost control is constructed by a three-level system which consists of a system of current control fore - control and target control .

    成本控制新模式的核心是由现实控制,超前控制和理想控制构成的 控制 体系

  • Nondegenerate four-wave mixing in a Doppler-broadened three-level system

    三能 多普勒展宽 系统中的非简并四波混频

  • Lasing without Inversion Induced by Raman Process in ∧ - Type Three-level System

    ∧型 能级 系统中Raman过程诱导的无反转激光

  • From the development of the law in the ancient and modern trial-level system the three-level system reflects the requirements of litigious fairness efficiency and benefit .

    从古今中外审级制度的发展规律来看,作为审 制度组成部分的 大诉讼审级 制度都在不同程度上反映了诉讼公正、诉讼效率利和诉讼效益的要求。

  • Coherent Control of Transient Evolution of Optical Properties in a Ladder-Type Three-Level System

    Ladder型 能级 系统光学性质瞬态演化的相干控制

  • Dressed-atom approach is used to study the saturation effect of an optically pumped three-level system .

    运用缀饰原子方法研究光泵 能级 系统的饱和效应。

  • Based on the second-order coherence function theory authors have studied nonlinear effects of third-and fifth-order on polarization beats in a cascade three-level system ( TPBCTS and FPBCTS ) .

    本文采用二阶相干函数理论研究了级联 能级 系统中三阶及五阶极化拍频(TPBCTS及FPBCTS)的非线性效应。

  • A Study of Dynamical Processes of the Three-Level System Pumped by Ultrashort Pulse

    超短脉冲泵浦 能级 体系的动力学过程的研究

  • Firstly we studied the transitions in three-level system driven by a trichromatic field and probed by a monochromatic field . Based on that we wrote out the density matrix equation .

    首先研究了 级联 能级 模型在三色驱动场和单色探测场作用下原子的跃迁情况,据此写出了密度矩阵所满足的方程。

  • A formula of energy storage in three-level system is deduced which is different from the previous results in which the upper state lifetime is taken as the energy storage time .

    推导了准 能级 系统的储能公式。此公式与以前的结果不同,认为有效储能时间不等于上能级寿命。

  • Further more a detailed comparative study of two-level system and three-level system is conducted . The simulation results three-phase current waveforms the electromagnetic torque waveform are given .

    并且与两 电平 系统从三相电流波形、电磁转矩波形进行了详细的对比分析,分析发现采用 电平 变流器后,电流的谐波明显减少,更加接近正弦波,电磁转矩脉动得到改善。

  • Nonlinear effects on V-type three-level system polarization beats

    V型 能级 系统中高阶非线性效应的研究

  • Study of Dynamical Characteristics of Ultrashort Laser Pulses in a V-Type Three-Level System

    超短激光脉冲在V型 能级原子 介质中的动力学特性研究

  • Nonlinear Response of a Three-level System Driven by a Trichromatic Field and Probed by an Arbitrary Intense Monochromatic Field

    三色场驱动和任意强度单色场探测 能级 系统的非线性响应

  • The higher-order coherence function theory has been applied to study the fifth-order nonlinear effect on polarization beats of a cascade three-level system ( FPBCTMS ) in Markovian field .

    运用高阶关联函数理论研究了级联 三能 系统Markovian场的五阶非线性效应(FPBCTMS)。

  • The subject of the work done mainly in the following areas : First of all the atomic spontaneous emission stimulated emission and stimulated absorption were analyzed in the light-emitting mechanism the atomic transition of the three-level system and the four-level system models were established .

    本课题所做的工作主要有以下几个方面:首先,从光的发光机理出发,分析了原子的自发辐射、受激辐射和受激吸收,建立了原子跃迁的 能级 系统和四能级系统模型。

  • Efficiency of single photon emission in three-level system of semiconductor quantum dots with pulsed excitation

    脉冲激发 能级 体系半导体量子点的单光子发射效率

  • Theoretical Investigation on the ( 1 + 1 ′ + 1 ′) Resonant Ionization Dynamics of Three-level System

    三能 系统的(1+1′+1′)共振电离动力学的理论研究

  • The characteristics of rare earth doped fibers and the principle of fiber amplifier with three-level system are described .

    简述了稀土掺杂光纤的特性,以及 三能 光纤激光放大的基本原理。

  • Some Decomposition Models for Three-level System Optimization and Their Coordination Algorithms


  • Cavity Field Spectra of a Λ - type Quantum-beat Three-level System

    ∧型量子拍频 能级 系统的腔场谱

  • Considering the EDF as a homogeneously broadened three-level system the operation principle of this laser is discussed and the output characteristics is simulated .

    采用掺铒光纤的均匀展宽 能级 系统 理论 模型,分析了该激光器的工作原理,并对其输出特性进行了数值模拟。